
What are Russias objectives in invading Georgia?

by Guest61056  |  earlier

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Is it oil, or is it as the news says that they want them to be less westernised and adopt a regime that is more in line with Russia its self and to drop its affiliation with the US. What do you think?




  1. Greed and a wish to disrupt the oil pipeline passing through Georgia.

  2. Georgia seized Russian land. It was completely unprovoked. The idiots deserved what they got.

  3. they want more land.  

  4. It's all about the oil DS.

  5. OIL & POWER!

    they want to control the pipeline to Turkey and control world prices more as they then have sole control of the route.

    Plus if then get georgia they regain the black sea ports sot that the black sea fleet can become directly linked to russia again.

    solution:- get georgia to threaten to blow up the pipeline and/or the sea ports  they will withdraw/ceasefire

  6. They need to stop Georgian agression.

  7. Its like the Israelis wanting more land from the Arabs

  8. Regardless of what they say...they want the oil.

  9. Georgia was declared independant in 1991, in 1992 a region of Georgia known as South Ossetia seceded away (south Ossetia is 2/3 Russian population), however has not been recognised internationally by anyone so therefore couldn't become its own country, despite that fact they have pretty much ruled themselves since then.

    Georgian & Russian forces have been there to keep the peace.

    It appears last week Georgian moved troops in to retake the region. Russia was more than ready (they have been training just over the border for many months & had a large force in the area)

    8 Russian "peacekeepers" were killed, Moscow saw a green light and moved in.

    Russia are just trying to claw back as much as they can before these countries join NATO and completely encircle Russia.  

  10. Claiming georgia as their own.

    The bigger the better of course

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