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  1. oils are hydrocarbons- made out of Hydrogen and carbon bonded together.

    If all the bonds between the carbon atoms are single ( share one pair of electrons - Alkanes) then oil is saturated.

    If some of the bonds are double or triple ( sharing either 2or3 pairs of electrons - Alkenes or Alkynes) then oil is unsaturated.

    We used to test with Bromine water - unsaturated oils will decolour the brown Bromine Water.

    Hope that helps

  2. Saturated oils are oils that have no double bonds in their fatty acid chains, therefore, they are straight.  This allows them to fit closer together.  This is the so called "bad" oil because they allow clumping in your blood.  LDL's  Low density lipoprotiens

    Unsaturated fats have at least 1 double bond in their long fatty acid chain.  This allows a kink in the chain.  This does not allow the oil to fit close and is more loosely packed.  Lot like making a stiff arm walking through a crowd.  Creates space.  This is better for you.  Helps create HDL  high density lipoproteins

    the fatty acids bind to a glycerol molecule.  Usually 2 per glycerol

    See pics at source

  3. Saturated fats are found in animal products and processed foods, such as meats, dairy products, chips, and pastries. The chemical structure of a saturated fat is fully saturated with hydrogen atoms, and does not contain double bonds between carbon atoms. Saturated fats are not heart healthy, since they are most known for raising your LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol).

    Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are found foods such as nuts, avocados, and olives.

  4. Saturated oils / fats are oils that have as many hydrogen atoms attached to it as possible.  For example:

    . . H  H H

    H-C-C-C-H ---> is a saturated molecule where as

    . . H. H H

    .   H.  H H

    H-C=C-C-H  ---> is not a saturated molecule

    . . H.  .  .H

    the double bond in the second molecule makes it unsaturated.

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