
What are Sam Peter's chances of beating Klitschko after Klitschko's unimpressive performance last night?

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What are Sam Peter's chances of beating Klitschko after Klitschko's unimpressive performance last night?




  1. Sam Peter can EASILY beat Klitschko.... if he stays MUCH more relaxed & steadily make Klitschko move....   Klitschko is SCARED TO DEATH of a anybody who can really hit.    He STILL looks like a guy who doesn't want to expend too much energy and if that chin gets touched (especially by somebody like Peter).... its GOOD NIGHT!!

  2. sam peter has a 0% chance of beating klitschko.

  3. I would still favor Klitschko if they fought again because of his long reach but Sam Peter did manage to put Klitschko down in their first fight, but he lost because he was outboxed from the outside and whenever he got on the inside, he would get tied up.  I give him a chance of beating Klitschko if they fight again as long as he is able to not allow himself to be tied up (pushing Wlad away if he tries to hold).  The way Wlad fought on Saturday, was like he was afraid to get hit, and if Peter can get inside that long jab and not allow himself to be tied up, then he can land his power punch and possibly knock him out.  However, we must remember how Peter stuggled against another big man recently (Jameel McCline) and he still has to get by Oleg Maskaev in March.  Based on Wlad's performance, the only fighter I want to see him face is the winner of that fight because they will make him fight and not just jab.

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