
What are Shiny <span title="Pokemon?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????">Pokemon??????????????????...</span>

by Guest34256  |  earlier

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Do you know where to find them?




  1. Shiny pokemon are pokemon which are different in colour than normal pokemon. Shiny pokemon were only created for bragging rights. They are almost impossibe to catch in any pokemon game.

  2. just to correct the above people, the chance of finding a shiny Pokemon is actually 1/8192.

  3. See when ever you encounter a wild pokemon there is a one in 4000 chance that it will be a shiny pokemon. A shiny Pokemon is no different from a ny other pokemon exept that it is a different color and a star flys over its head when it comes out of the pokeball. Besides that they are no different thesomtimes they are ever weaker than other ones. And yes it is possible to get shiny legendary pokemon the only place your can not find them is when you are fishing. You are not a true pokemon master until you have a few strong shinies in your party.

  4. Well Shiny pokemon are differently colored pokemon that can be found only a few ways and are still very very rare!  They can be gotten by cheats, and the GTS system, or you can get them in game through your pokeradar (obtained in palpark) inwhich you have a 1/1000000 chance or by hatching eggs. As you can see they are very hard to obtain! :D hope it helped email me if you have any questions!

  5. shiny pokemon are the ones that when they come out they a circle of stars all around comes out when they come out...=]...but they are really rare=]

    if you want one get action replay and ill give you the code..=]

  6. well a shiny pokemon is any pokemon that has a odd color. different from the original color. the chances of getting one is verrrrrrrrry low and is very tough. i only have about 3 and that&#039;s just my entire playing time. they are very rare, especially when trying to get a shiny legendary.  

  7. shiny pokemon are different colour and there is a 1/8291 chance of finding one(hehe i looked it up)

    i have a shiny hariama :DDD

  8. well shiny pokemon is rare, and if you want to see a shiny pokemon or want 1 i can trade you it

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