
What are Some Good Travel Tips for An Extended Trip to Europe & Asia??

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I am considering/in the planning stages of taking a trip through Europe and Asia during the 2009 year.

Rather than this being a hectic & rushed, short vacation, I am intending for this to be an extended leisurely trip (at least 3 - 4 months (if not longer) through Europe & 1 - 2 months in Asia)

Because this is not only going to be my first "solo trip" without my parents & family (yes, I know, that's embarrassing!!) but also my first time traveling internationally to a foreign country/countries, with the exception of going to India with my family, to visit relatives, I would really appreciate any help, advice or travel tips that I can get from those familiar with travel in Europe and Asia,

In addition to the usual/classic European & Asian travel destinations (France, Japan Germany, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Holland/Netherlands, Italy, Spain, etc.) I am also interested in visiting many "off-the-beaten-path" places like Latvia, Lithuania, Thailand, Belarus, Malaysia, Poland and Ukraine.

The tentative list of all the countries I'm interested in visiting on this trip are:


England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Italy, Vatican City, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Kaliningrad, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Russia, Turkey, Cyprus


Japan, China, Mongolia, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Bali, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan

I am looking for advice on the best months to go where (with an estimated travel range between January & August of 2009, as I have to finish my travel and be back in the US by beginning of August 4-5, 2009 at the latest), what things to pack for an extended trip, the best & safest, yet most reasonably priced hostels, inns, or hotels, and ways to get around within or between any particular locales,

Also, except for a 3 years of high school Spanish & a semester or so in college - a lot of which I have now forgotten, I am do not (yet!) speak the language(s) of any of the countries I'll be visiting, so I will be taking along a talking translator with languages for most, if not all the countries I'm going to.

Nevertheless, I would still like to get some tips from anyone who is familiar with the above named countries, and can help me.





  1. Hay

    Its g888!! I’m sure you are going to have g8 and g8 time!!! It just rocks...

    When you plan for a trip …Accommodation comes first!! Where to stay?? It should be comfortable...n not to exceed your budget and it is important for you because you have planned a long trip!!

    I can suggest for cheap hotel accommodations with price comparison facility!! Here you will surely get hotels with all facilities at very lowest prices.You can get information about hotels, rooms, bookings and other useful stuff about the countries or cities, counties and places you are going to visit; you can get information from online executive....

    The site provides some useful information about the cities like …things to do, place to visit, nearby train stations, tubes, nearby airports and other famous cities within easy reach...

    i hope my information will help you to get hotel accommodations with lowest prices....

    Have a great and great trip!!

  2. Wow! I wish you have fun on your extended trip. It's great to get to visit all these countries.

    Well, here is what I know about Romania. Check out this site:

  3. I wish you "Welcome to Malaysia" to know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. This is a time for you make arrangement to travel to Malaysia. What did you know about Malaysia?

    Tropical fruits like mango, papaya, banana, durian, rambutan, pineappe, coconut, ..........

    Beautiful (Hotels/resort) beaches, Redang, Langkawi, Sipadan, Tioman, Pangkor Island,......pulau ketam :)

    You can shopping till 11pm during weekend.

    Most countries close their shop at 7pm (not fun)

    So...Malaysia is the best place to spend cash and credit.

    Food..unbelievebly plenty!

    Western, kampung style, mediterranean, oriental, seafood and many more.

    Oh...I love food. And the great thing is, most of it are halal. more to eat!

    Weather and temperature, just nice. No need to wear fur coat and sheep boots. Anything light and simple is the best.

    Vacation in Malaysia, staying in 5 stars hotel is not as expensive as overseas hotels at the same grade.

    Eventhough the country is small but the people is very friendly and educated.To those who no ideas please visit this link:

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