
What are Some Problems that Hispanic Children Suffer that can be made into a charity?

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What are Some Problems that Hispanic Children Suffer that can be made into a charity?




  1. make a charity that has like, swat team style people with body armor and M4s, the big POLICE shields, and an armored car,

    then get rid of all the g*y gang people.

    freakin posers. get a job

  2. what about all the children stop being racist

  3. Many need a good chance at education. The following organizations have already been established if you would like to help them,

  4. It depends on whether they are in Latin America or in the USA. In Latin America they can use shoes, clothing, food, school supplies, clean water etc. If you raise money you can use it to build a water well. If they live in the USA you can tutor them so they do well in school and learn English. You can donate groceries, shoes, school supplies, etc. to migrant children. Depending what state/city you live in you can learn if there are any children illegally in the USA living in foster care or a center. These children may not have family in the USA and waiting in a center to be sent back home or placed into a home if the family does not claim them (it happens). These kids may no leave the center or have contact with regular kids. Maybe sponsoring a field trip to the movies or park would be nice. Most children in foster care, homeless shelters and centers do not celebrate their b-day. It would be nice to host a birthday at a center each month.

  5. Living in a country that preaches civil rights, but doesn't want them. That's their only problem.

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