

by Guest66781  |  earlier

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  1. There isn't any.  It is easy to forget that we are also bi-pedal mammals.  

    Despite the fact that we fight it tooth and nail, we humans are PART of nature, too.  (Granted, we are unquestionably its most DESTRUCTIVE part, a rogue part that has grown out of proportion and is destroying it from within - like a man's enlarging prostate gland or a cancer in the body!)  

    As long as we live on this world, we cannot separate ourselves from it, and just what IS "nature" BUT the world we live in?

    Being human does not make us immune to the processes of nature.  We are even continuing to evolve like everything else around us.  Look at the humans depicted in the old middle-eastern and pre-columbian heiroglyphs.  Look at the facial features and bone structures.  Then go and look in the mirror.

    Even as late in our history as the Renaissance era, we can look at the facial features and facial bone structures of the artists' models and see basic patterns in those old portraits that we don't see in faces from the same cultures today, and  it is a well-known fact that people are generally getting taller.

    The science of man IS the science of nature - whether we like it or not!

  2. Science is a tool to study nature.

  3. isnt the answer obvious

  4. Nature itself IS the science, IS the rules, and man is insistant on trying to mold it and it's principles into what he feels it should be.

  5. A very interesting query indeed!On the face of it  theQ looks simple, too simple.However on closer scrutiny one discovers that there are significant differencse. When one talks about Nature,  what comes to mind is the formidable corpus of stupendous discoveries made by the human mind about the structure of nature and its functions.We ask as to what are the constituents that make up the creation{!}, the composition of matter in all ite forms, their composition and their inter-connexion. Thus we see that no study of Nature is ever possible without physics, chemistry and biology. To clearly understand the working of Nature  we have developed detailed study of every branch of what is stated above, All these have  given us knowledge of the origin of the universe and all life in it, including  the beginning human beings.

       The Scince of Man{Humankind},is different. We inquire into the structure and functions of the human MIND. We have developed the disciplines of Psychology[ personal, social and bilogical], medicine, anthroplogy - and most importantly as to how the knowledge obtained from these areas can be made use of in shaping, changing ang regulating  in cosonance wih our study of Nature.

        Thus althugh we are part of Nature in its entirety we now know that therecare basic differnces in our search for total knowledge. The greatest differences of all is that we are the only elements in Nature that questions our own behaviour and intelligent minds are asking the most basic of all questions: can we know ourseles.

        Thanking you for providing a thoughtful question.

  6. sound like a high school project. do ur thing.

  7. surely nothing, since we are part of nature? although i guess you could say that nature is wild and free, whereas man is imprisoned by accountants.

  8. What do you mean by the science of man and the science of nature?

  9. Nature keeps to its own rules, and man makes up new ones.

  10. As a biologist who holds a degree in anthro, I can say, conclusively, that the differences between biology and anthropology are that biology is concerned with the physical characteristics of all life, and anthro is concerned with all the characteristics of mankind, including many biology does not support.

  11. There is no "science" of nature.  There is only nature.  Man struggles to discover the rules of nature ... thus man makes scientific discoveries.  Science is cognitive.  Nature is NOT cognitive.  It is nature.  

    Dr. J

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