
What are THE most important types of vitamins for someone not having balanced meals?

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I usually eat rice, bread, chicken, pasta, etc

I dont get to have much vegie.

I know that Im missing out on many vitamins- what are the most important ones for the body?

Also different types of minerals and iron that I should atleast get as tablets?




  1. OK, an ordinary multi-vitamin, probably with iron. But vitamins are a poor substitute for a balanced diet. Think long term colon health for one.

  2. A carb loaded diet can make you feel tired, even bloated. Ideally, you want to get your nutrients through your diet, b/c there is a difference between supplements and foods.

    A daily vitamin shows what you need. Iron is very important for energy levels.

    If you are under 30, you want to be sure to  get Calcium+Vit D to get a strong skeleton snd prevent osteoporosis later. Over 30, it's important as a supplement.

    Many others, A eyes, E anti-inflammatory ... if you cannot get them in the diet, a pill is better than nothing. Beware of other medication interactions.

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