
What are YOU doing, to help the environment?

by Guest62466  |  earlier

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This is kind of like a survey. I wanted to know, what r u doing, to reduce global warming, or be green?




  1. farting less.

  2. I am doing absolutely nothing. i am sick and tired of being told what to do by hippies and the idiots that follow their ridiculous beliefs.

    When the h**l did governments start taking what a bunch of smelly, unwashed, gullible freeloaders have to say as truth...?

    "Global Warming" is a natural phenomenon. Hippies, neo-Luddites and other followers of their ilk only want people to believe that we are the cause so that they can peddle their nonsensical "anti-technology" line!

  3. Actually, recycling things or reducing air pollution is not a bad thing, just look at the skies over China and all the people wearing masks as filters.  But it has nothing to do with global warming.  I can't see through the fog that blankets the full agw agenda so I can't bring myself to believe in it, it's too political.  

  4. My personal semantic bent is that I'm not HELPING the environment, I'm just REDUCING the way I harm it.

    Reduce, reuse, recycle in every way I can. Reduce products, resources, manufacturing, packaging, waste, transportation, and energy consumption that I use. Ranges from things like composting, turning of electronics, not wasting water, using eco-friendly products, walking, buying fresh foods with little packaging, donating used goods, buying 2nd hand, etc.

  5. Working hard as a cult breaker trying to restore members of the AGW/GCC cult to a life of a working responsible citizen.

  6. I drive cars that run on natural gas (methane) instead of gasoline. A lot cleaner for the environment and a lot cheaper to fill up, too ($10)! They don't use a drop of terrorist oil, and they're both made by Ford. I love 'em and wish everyone had one. Check out my sources below and see if one would work for you...

  7. When you ask a question like this, you should post what you are doing for the same thing.

    Otherwise you come off as judgmental.

    I have curtail all of my driving, except to what is necessary, and we recycle.

    I have also installed CFL bulbs throughout my house.

  8. I put low-energy light bulbs in my house, my family buys wind power instead of coal power, and I recycle everything I can. And when I get my license and it comes time to buy a car, I'm going to get an electric one, probably with solar cells.

  9. Recycling my household waste (to the extent allowed in my community).  Insulated my attic.  Replacing my windows and doors.  Using those squirrely light bulbs everywhere.  Only driving as needed right now and bundle my trips.

  10. Um, nothing.  Humans can't control the climate.  


  12. Waiting for the d**n government to start building nuclear power plants because there just isn't anything else of consequence that I could do (oh sure, the whole driving a reasonably sized car thing, but that's more economics).

    Ultimately if saving the environment requires the sacrifice of anything other than coal miners jobs it just won't happen (especially if we are talking about real sacrifices to quality of life).

    Oh and I also oppose wasting money on wind power, solar power and carbon credits (which is mostly fraud) as they are unable to solve our problem but do serve to distract from solution that can (and I oppose ethanol for the increase in food prices it causes and the fact that more CO2 is emitted producing it than would have been emitted by oil from the ground).

  13. Me personally, I drive a really big 4-door pickup truck. The more metal around me the better. This way i can ensure that the next time some idiot in a prius or honda or smartcar runs a red light and hits me, my truck is less likely to be totaled. Therefore it won't sit in some junkyard rotting and trashing up the environment.

    Also, I'm less likely to be injured, which in turn saves an ambulance trip to the hospital (which saves gas) and saves on electricity for

    x-rays or any other type of equipment they would use for examining or repairing me.

    Thats how i'm helping the environment. Mine at least. :0)

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