
What are You Most Proud Of and Least Proud Of When It Comes to Modern America?

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Khorat, I'm not even in school. I put this here for a reason.




  1. I am most proud that I was allowed to serve my country and protect it. What I am least proud of is what my fellow Americans are doing to the country I served, there destroying it.

  2. Most proud of the space administration! NASA they are badass

    Least proud of how we have let Government into our lives more than ever with things like the Patriot Act and how our government led a war that made us bankrupt.  

  3. I'm most proud of the fact Americans still enjoy more rights and freedom than any other nation on earth.

    I'm not proud of the fact our education system seems to care more about creating generations of democrats bound to the welfare state. I’d prefer Americans become intelligent, self reliant people, capable of sustaining our free republic. I’m also not proud of the fact our borders lie open for anyone to cross and no one in D.C. gives a d**n.

  4.   This question should be asked in the category of 'Education & Reference' and in the subcategory of 'Homework Help'.  It belongs there.

  5. Always Proud of America...

    even when I was young

    I didn't need to wait in my adult life to figure that out...

  6. I am most proud of the diversification and the rapidly expanding and open minds of the American people.  I am least proud of the forces, such as media, schools, churches, other people, and politicians who try to change people so that they are all what they would consider to be right.  I am also equally least proud of the rampant violence in America that is not present in as equally developed cultures.

  7. Proud of? Not much

    Least proud of? The most disgusting corrupt health care in the history of mankind

  8. I am so bummed that I can't think of much to be proud of anymore...if anything it is the few people left that have rebellion in their hearts and minds, however we have ceased to believe that it is better to have lightening in the hand than thunder in the mouth.

    I guess we are shooting for something like what China has apparently.

    Liberty or death right...hopefully the opportunity comes to earn one or the other soon.

  9. I am most proud that so many Americans are willing to speak out that we are better than this.

    Better than what's been happening for years.

    I am least proud that narcissism and stupidity had gotten so popular.

    I am not proud of the dispensation of the era of the "culture war" game Americans were reluctantly dragged into.

  10. Most proud of the fact that the U.S. still welcomes immigrants and least proud of: political bickering and indecisiveness, the illegally waged war in Iraq, the economic situation, the death penalty and Bush.

  11. Most proud of the diversity and cultures that have influenced the greatness of the nation, where anyone can achieve anything no matter where they come from.

    Least proud of the Anti-Americanism, seems to be a fad and an incredible hatred for the US seems to be growing domestically. I just will never understand it.

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