
What are Your Thoughts on the New GreenPeace Commercial "ForestLove" is it too s**y?

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I recently watched it and wow, Greenpeace went all kinky with these s**y trees making love almost.

What do you think about it?

Keep your speakers on low if your children are near by, no nudity, but the trees moan




  1. Hey!  More power to Greenpeace if their message gets to a greater audience.  Trees rock!  Pardon the oxymoron.

  2. its still erotic

    not green p**n

    so kids can watch it.

    Nothing new

    if you are on mushrooms

    then You see that all the time.

    But way to go green peace,

    at least people are always into s*x

    And this is pure Organic

    or is it orgasmic

  3. It's not s**y. It's wonderful.

  4. LAWL!!!!!!!! omg, that was sooo stupid but funny, thanks for showing that.

  5. I agree that Bohemian Garnet has the best answer.  

    My personal take is that it steps over the line from sensual to yuck, but to each his own.

  6. LoL, that's probably the closest you can get to Eco p**n.  I've never really liked Greenpeace, but hey, this viral video just might reach enough people to actually get them thinking.  It's pretty funny.

  7. It is a great advert, if it makes one person look at trees with more passion then, it has done it's job. Go GreenPeace.

    Pst Andy...... Don't You mean Oxytocin (winks suggestively at Grizbr1)

  8. Catchy? Very.

    Does it make me want to save the trees in the forest? Not really.

    But watching it did make me call my boyfriend to see what he's up to tonight :)

  9. I watched the video.  Then I went to the GreenPeace official web site.

    This video is dirrected at the European Commission, and SPECIFICALLY at  President José Manuel Durão Barroso.  President Barroso is a Portuguese man, who holds a PhD, speaks four languages fluently, and speaks basically in another language, and is a Roman Catholic.

    Does GreenPeace actually think this salacious video will actually have ANY influence over President Barroso?  Or do they think that in reality, a man as well educated, and who is a Roman Catholic, will be completely turned off by such a video?

    Here's my take on it.  In less than sixty seconds, I was able to come up with extremely basic knowledge of their "target audience."  This video will completely turn off a man such as President's completely obvious.  That video will NOT make President Barroso want to do anything to help stop the import of wood from Amazon, the Congo and Indonesia.

    I believe GreenPeace does NOT actually want President Barroso to help stop the import of wood from those countries.  Then GreenPeace (I believe this was their ultimate goal with this video) can request even more donations from people, because "nothing is being done to save the trees."

    That is my personal take on this salacious video.  Remember GreenPeace is in the business of making money, just like every other business/charity that wishes to stay in business.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    P.S.  The video also did not show any trees that grow in the Amazon, the Congo and Indonesia.

  10. I like it. Gets your attention!

  11. It's about as pornographic as trees can get.  Very disgusting if they are putting it on any station but a pay per view.

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