
What are a few reason why a hard drive goes bad or fails to work?

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What are a few reason why a hard drive goes bad or fails to work?




  1. It is a precision mechanical device that will wear out in time.  The drive has several platters that look like CD's that are stacked up like a wedding cake.  There is just enough space between them for the read/write heads to pass between them and access the magnetic surface.  The heads fly on a cushion of air, just a few microns over the surface.  If the heads hit the surface, it destroys them both.

  2. because they're mechanical devices.  Eventually everything mechanical will break just from normal wear.  HD's are no different.  Most HD companies will publish their average MTBF (mean time between failures) which is a fancy way of them guessing that your HD will last X number of hours.  These are usually in the 50000+ hour range.  That's not to say it won't break sooner (or may last longer).  Bottom line is mechanical things will just plain wear out sometimes.  Or you could give it an early demise by spilling a coke on it, dropping it on the floor, getting hit by lightening, having your dog whiz on it, etc, etc,


  3. There are so many ways that your hard drive could have failed. Let's see.....Virus, magnet, drink, food, overuse, accidentally dropping it a bit too hard, etc. Lots of ways. Just take it to a person who can give you a definite answer.

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