
What are a gathering of gatherers known as?

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What are a gathering of gatherers known as?




  1. A harvest.

  2. Gatherees?

  3. A collective.

  4. Migrant workers

  5. Gatherites perhaps.

  6. Hi Mark,

       Do you mean to tell me that you have never heard of a "Gaggle of Gatherers"?


  7. gang.

  8. a p**s up

  9. I follow 'inthedark', what about "a gleaning of gatherers"?

  10. a gatherers gathering??

  11. In anthropology a small mobile group that are basically an extended family are called a Band and usually have less than 25 members.  The next step up includes several inter related Bands and is called a Tribe and is formed along the lines of lineages (usually).  They often incorporate moieties or other social divisions.  Check Wikipedia or a standard Intro Anthro text for the terms Band and Tribe.

  12. a thrift store

  13. Gatheristan

  14. I like a "Harvest" but what about Gleaners?

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