
What are a guests responsibilities at a Vietnamese wedding?

by Guest66323  |  earlier

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What are a guests responsibilities at a Vietnamese wedding?




  1. bring money as gift.......

  2. As a guest, you just try to enjoy yourself and be supportive to the hosts.  Money is convenient and practical, but sentimental gifts are as appreciated.  Normally, after the guests are half way into the feast, the couple and representatives would walk around the tables to personally pressing their gratitude.   This is a time for a guest to exchange a few words to the couple as well.  Cheers.

  3. All of the answers are very good. Your responsibilities depend on how close you are with the family hosting the wedding. If you are very close to the family, you may be asked to help ensure that such things as food preparation and service are prompt, guests are greeted and seated, etc, etc. A wedding is definitely a family affair in Vietnam.

    If you are a casual acquaintance of the bride or groom, you will be expected to be entertaining because your hosts will be showing off their "foreign connections" You will be introduced to almost, if not, everyone, at the wedding.

    Most of all, you will be expected to provide a cash gift. Being a foreigner, you will be expected to be extravagant within reason. I have given anything ranging from $500 (sister-in-law) to $20 (friend of a friend)

    Don't forget, a Buddhist wedding is a three day celebration. Plan accordingly and get ready to sing a lot of karaoke and drink a lot of alcohol.

  4. bring money in those little chinese red pouches maybe

  5. All answers above are good but I like to add one thing.  Don't be a lousy guest like a lot of Vietnamese people, who will just get up and leave right after the last course is served.  Guests are expected to stay, dance and socialize.  If they came only to eat, they should go to a cheap Chinese eatery somewhere else.

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