
What are acceptable body parts for females that you can pierce in Islam?

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Salams. I was just wondering what body parts are permissable to pierce in Islam? I have always thought that it was the nose and ears, because Muslimahs pierces their ears and lots of Muslimahs.

Please, do some research and/or really know what you are talking about. Some Quranic verses and/or Hadiths would be nice.

Wait, isn't piercing the ears and nose altering Allah (swt)'s creation? Ah im Confused!




  1. i've never come across any hadith limiting body piercings for women as it's considered decoration. If you pierce your belly button or even something more sensitive, obviously only your husband can see it.

    I would guess that certain types of punk rock piercings would be considered mutilation and imitating the pagans.  

  2. I don't know about piercings, but apparently female circumcision quite popular.  

  3. The correct view is that there is nothing wrong with piercing the ears, because this is one of the means of wearing permissible jewellery, and it is proven that the women of the Sahaabah wore earrings in their ears. The pain is minor, and if it is done when the girl is small, it heals quickly.

    As for piercing the nose, I do not remember the scholars saying anything about it, but it is a kind of mutilation and spoiling the appearance as far as we can see, but perhaps others do not think that. If a woman lives in a country where wearing nose jewellery is regarded as an adornment and beautification, then there is nothing wrong with piercing the nose in order to wear jewellery there. End quote from Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (11/question no. 69).

    And Allaah knows best.

    Belly BUtton or anything of that sort is a big NO NO

  4. First of all, it should be made clear that it is permissible for women only to pierce their ears as a form of enhancing their beauty. The proof of this permission is based on the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, when he prayed on the day of `Eid and came with Bilal, his Companion, he ordered the women to pay Zakah, and some of them took their earrings off and threw it (donated it) to the Prophet. (Reported in Bukhari)

    As to the piercing of the nose, it isn't allowed for both sexes because it is a type of deformation to Allah’s creation.

    Focusing more on the question in point, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

    “According to the teachings of Islam, our body - including all of our physical faculties - is a trust from Allah and we are required to protect and preserve it according to the best of our ability. Consequently, we are not allowed to alter or tamper with our physical faculties unnecessarily; we are only permitted to interfere with them in order to correct a natural deformity or repair or remedy an ailment. Any other form of interference or tampering with our body is akin to altering Allah’s creation which has been condemned in the Qur’an.

  5. You can only pierce the ears and the nose. Nothing than both of those. No bellybutton, no to whatever. I'm not really sure about the nose, I just saw lots of muslim ladys having those pierced. The nose pierce is just a cultural thing.

    Edit: I wonder why I have my thumbs put down...-.- You muslim have to respect. Wow, I left the religion.

  6. face , and fingers

  7. Only women can pierce their ears to add to their beauty.  Piercing of the nose is not allowed for either s*x.  

  8. asla la *** at least that's how i think u spell it. i'm muslim too! umm yeah u can peirce ur nose and ears. i just googled it and it said that those r the only body parts we can pierce because Allah doesn't want us to harm our body with infections. we can only do ears and nose to beautify ourselfs it is haram if we do it anywhere else.

  9. From what I know, damaging your body in Islam is Haram. But underneath my clothing you will find my belly pierced, and my nose!!!!!!

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