
What are activities Mothers can do with their young sons?

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ages 3 and 7 (without Dad)




  1. Take advantage of the opportunity. Now you can show them what makes you unique. What did you like to do as a young adult (swimming, bike riding, spelunking) anything they'd love to learn about you or something you excelled in that you can teach them? This could be the best ages (and chance) you get to show them these things.

  2. Go to the zoo, sporting events, the park, swimming.  Moms can do anything that dad's do, even fishing!

  3. Anything you want.  Boys are active so make sure you do something that allows them to move around.  Mine are 10 and 13 now and I still can't get them to sit still for very long!!

  4. Well, I am a mom of four, we attend library programs together, 2 times a week, I take them to baseball games and practice 4 times a week. We sometimes stop by the park after school during the week. I take my boys roller blading and 3 is a wonderful age to start him roller blading and bike riding right in your back yard or front sidewalk or at the park. By the time he is 7 he will amaze you and himself. Fishing is wonderful, I love doing that with them. Picnics are great, Your seven year old can join Cub Scouts (which you'll attend once a week and do various activities with your son, they have summer family events and camping) and your three year old usually can attend and they learn alot. You can also play hullabaloo, fun active game by cranium, you can join an activity such as PAL, YMCA program or another program at your recreational office. Join it, and get your 3 year old a mini version and play a little afterwards. Go Bowling, go to the museums, Zoo, Amusement parks, aquarium and FISH STORE , believe it or not it makes great trips. If I have more I will add it later.

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