
What are activitys that are the same with us and ancient kids/things they do?

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What are activitys that are the same with us and ancient kids/things they do?




  1. I am not sure if you are from the US, or how you define "ancient".

    From the beginning of time children have played games with balls, individual, or in teams.

    Bow and arrows, and sling shots have been around for a long time, in many different cultures, and are still a favorite shooting sport, and hunting method today.

    Many of our sports came from the Greeks; look at the Olympics.

    Kids hold races, sack races, swimming, running, horses, carts, boats, canoe's, bikes, sleds, and cars; in earlier times they may only held foot, swimming, sled, horse, row boat, or chariot races.

    Some middle age games still played today are, Fencing, Chess, jump rope, capture the flag, and Bocci (Bah-chee).

    The only difference between now and then were the materials used to make many of the items used to play the games, but games often have with stood the test of time, and children enjoy them as much today as in earlier times.

    Sadly many children have never played, or do not know how too since many outdoor games with friends, or as a community have been replaced with those mind numbing video games they have today.

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