
What are agruments against the 'MMR vaccine causes autism'?

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What are agruments against the 'MMR vaccine causes autism'?




  1. Easy.  It doesn't.  The kind of mercury that was used in the MMR vaccine broke down and left the body within two weeks.  That's opposed to the kind you get from eating fish, such as tuna, which hangs around for months before breaking down.  And you get a lot more mercury from eating a tuna sandwich than you do in a vaccine.  

    Not to mention the fact that they took all the mercury out of the MMR vaccine in 2000, and diagnoses of autism have only been going up since then.  Not only among those who are vaccinated, but equally among those who are not.  That means it's not the vaccine.

  2. right now there is no evidence it causes autism.  plus, millions of people have been taking this vaccine and millions more taking others.  if it caused autism, a lot more people would have it.

  3. The number of MMR vaccines administered has remained relatively constant over the years yet the rate of autism has increased. This is because the definition of autism has changed over the years  and it now covers a multitude of symptoms such as hyperactivity, ADD and many others. Additionally, autism has not become a "reportable illness" in recent years meaning now the numbers being reported for even behavioral problems are getting reported a very high rates. Vaccines are not related to the problem of autism.

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