
What are aliens????where are from??? do they exist??????

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What are aliens????where are from??? do they exist??????




  1. I wrote these articles to say how I feel about it:

  2. [Firetail says] Aliens are simply species that are where they don't belong, like zebra mussels in fresh water.

    Extra-terrestrials are beings from planets other than our own. Yes, they are out there. Yes, they have made contact with us. Problem is, we don't know how to listen. They are from anywhere in the Universe. They come from all the different galaxies and planetary systems all over. Not all of them are super-advanced societies, as some people seem to think. Some aren't even past making things out of sticks (or whatever natural materials they have) yet.

  3. Aliens could be lots of different things. The most popular belief is that they are beings from other planets.

    Please answer mine


  5. They're from Mexico. They're probably in your yard right now with a weedeater. But don't worry, the government is putting up a fence.

  6. They exist it just that some people are too nerdy or smart to belevie this

    Praise to the aliens and GOD of course

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