
What are all foods or liquids that can induce vomiting???(read details first!!!)?

by  |  earlier

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i think that i have food poisoning and when i was in a first aid class we learned that u have to induce vomiting for food poisoning, like mustard in water or ipecac, but i don't have ipecac and mustard in water makes me gag, not puke




  1. try salt in water it makes me sick every time

  2. First, are you sure you have food poisoning?  

    Along with the other answers I would suggest drinking a lot of water and/or juices to dilute whats in your system.  That should help flush it all out quicker too.

  3. I don't think you have to be 18 to buy ipecac, but I do not know if inducing vomiting is the best way to deal with food poisoning.  I would recommend contacting a doctor or Poison Control Center as quickly as possible for their advice.  In the meantime, I would suggest drinking a lot of water to help dilute whatever you have ingested.  That said, there are many liquids that are likely to cause vomiting if ingested, but many of them are likely to do more harm than good.

  4. You can easily buy ipeacac at any drug store OTC, Wal-Mart. Or just put your finger down your throat.

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