
What are all of the cause of the civil war? P.S if you can explain it but you dont have to.?

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  1. States rights was one of the main causes of the civil war. This is the concept that the states should have the right to govern themselves, without interference from the federal government. The other main cause of the war was the issue of anti-slavery vs. slavery expansionism.

    There were also some economic factors that contributed to the war. The economy in the Northeast and mid-west was based on family farming, industry, and commerce. The South was basically a feudal system, large plantations that were dependent on slavery to survive. The large plantation owners controlled the South, and they were willing to fight to keep that control.  

    I hope this helps.

  2. Which civil war ? you lot are coming on YA UK

  3. You have to tell us WHICH civil war before we can give you help with your homework/project/research. Otherwise look on Wiki.

  4. I think the cause of civil war is usually a dispute over something. Usually political, like in the Chinese civil war, when the two parties didn't like the way of each others way of rule. Or economical, like in the American Civil War, with the army in the north against slavery, and the south for slavery, because they needed people to work for them in their plantations.

  5. The second civil war will be caused by the genetic bomb .(confusion)...

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