
What are all of the kinesis's?

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I already heard of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis(favorite), hydrokinesis, and aerokinesis. Are there more?




  1. Yes, skeptikinesis. It's the power that a skeptic has to completely disable all other paranormal forms of kinesis simply by walking into the room. The power of disbelief is presently the most potent form of kinesis known. It also works on magic spells and ghost/poltergeist hauntings.

  2. kinesis = Greek for imaginary

  3. kinesis means motion or movement, right?

    so if you start with psychokinesis (using your mind to move things), you can attach any greek prefix to get a reasonable field of manipulation.

    here are some fun favorites:

    chronokinesis - time

    cryokinesis  - cold

    biokinesis - life

    megakinesis - big stuff

    technokinesis - technology

    photokinesis - light

    it gets pretty fun after a while ^^


    Cytokinesis=The step of cell division following telophase of mitosis, when the cytoplasm is divided into two of roughly equal proportion to the two new daughter cells. This ensures there will be enough organelles for each of the new cells.

    Diakinesis=The last stage of prophase, in which the nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear, spindle fibers form, and the chromosomes shorten in preparation for anaphase.

    Interkinesis=A pause between two phases of meiosis.

    Karyokinesis=Refers specifically to the division and replication of the nucleus.

    Photokinesis=A movement made in response to/enabled by the presence of light



    psychokinesis & telekinesis, the pseudoscience terms are in constant debate as to their existence.



    pyrokinesis   and the rest you name falls under the long list of super powers that you will find in comic books.

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