
What are all the badges the junior girl scouts can earn?

by  |  earlier

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Are there a web site that list the different badges the girls can earn and tell what they need to do to earn them. i am a new junior leader and am learning the stuff for this level i have been a brownie leader for 1 yr now it was great!




  1. Purchase the Junior Badge Book (you'll also need a copy of the Jr. Handbook, since some awards are only listed in there), it will list most of the available GSUSA Badges and the requirements to earn them.  In general, the girls will have to do 6 activities to earn each Badge; unlike Try Its, the girls are expected to actually learn how to do things, not just "try" them - it's a subtle distinction sometimes, but can be hard to get the girls used to - "learn about" something doesn't just mean "read 2 sentences and call it done" for instance.

    The link to is helpful for getting a list of the Badges available, but doesn't include the requirements for most of them.  There are a few on the list that aren't in the Badge Book, so the requirements *are* on the website, but for the most part, you'll need the Badge Book.

    There are some websites that break copyright law and reprint all the requirements.  Since that kind of goes against the GS Law (not honest or fair, not respecting others' copyrights, not respecting GSUSA's authority to not put them online, etc.), I am not going to put links here.  If you really want them, some Google searching should turn them up fairly easily.

  2. I'm assuming this is the link you need, I'm a scouting leader in the UK so it's different...but all I did was search junior girl scouts badges in Google and it came up.

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