
What are all the benefits of joining the army?

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I'm joining the army in a few months and I was just wondering what all of the benefits are. I'd like to know ahead of time so that I can actually take advantage of them when the time comes. I already know about the 20,000 possible 40,000 bonus and the GI Bill, what else is there? What about housing? Thanks




  1. great question

    all right one army pays for college and alot of great ones at that

    go to college and get a degree in something. then do 3 years in the army. and go do something with that degree, or iff army is what you want to do for the rest of your life. go to school and get a good edeucation and then do your three years and renlist for some more years.

    Housing- if your single its the barraks. which is like a decent sized one bedroom, one bath apartment. for free./ if you have a family then you get to live on base for free, but all you do is pay certin bills, not all of them. if you do get married then you can choose to live on base or off and you buy your house/apartment, and you get so much a month form the miliitary to help pay bills. also if you decide to have kids the amry gives you so much month for how many kids you have to help out. If familys out of the question for a few years, but the barraks is just not doin it for you. what alot of guys do is when you start makin buddies on base. a couple of guys will rent a house/biger apartment off base and each pay somewaht of the rent/bills and the army still helps out for that.

    also great benifits. Helth dental , for your kids you name it the military has it.

    leave/vacation time. you get som much of leave time a month, but lets say you dont use it. that leave time rolls over to the next month. or however things like that work

    the armys a good thing man. hope you do good and thanks for choosin to serve our country. God Bless  

  2. You will learn what a "TEAM PLAYER" is. On the outside that is what we are looking for! You will learn how other people live. The rest of the world is NOT like the USA. Have fun and remember, you are there to show the world what the USA is like, Act with that in mind. They will base their oppinions on how they view you.

    Good luck and thanks for keeping us safe!

  3. You get to meet interesting people and then kill them.

  4. well if you are going active duty, you will get housing and food paid, sort of, but it's barracks and not the greatest food, the bonus is job related, there are also ways to go about getting tuition paid as well if you do it right.  The gi bill keeps going up but if you pay into it you can get a lot more out of it, if that makes any sense, if not they will explain it more in detail there.  

  5. Now that you have discovered what the army can do for you, what can you do for the army? The statement almost sounds like the statement that President Kennedy stated: Ask not what your country can do for you ,but what you can do for your country.

  6. Your housing will br determined by your martial status. for example: if your single and an E-4 or below you will be staying in the barracks (on post). if you are married you can move off post. based on where you go, if you are married you will get paid BAH (basic allowance for housing) the rate of this will depend on the current local rate. for example. when I was stationed in Ft. Hood, the BAH rate was about 850 this was a year ago. other places pay more others pay less. if you are single the ARMY will pay for your barracks, food and other basic needs. if you are married its up to you. but this wont take effect until you are assigned to an active unit. meaning that will you are in basic training and in AIT you will sleep in barrack like every body else. One other great benefit is health care, you pay nothing are get the best medical care in the country. surgeries, rehabilitation are all paid for. Education is another benefit. you can go to school while you're in. of course all of the above is subject to your chain of command's discretion, Plus the best and most important of all, you become a member of the Best ARMY on the world. serve proud.

  7. In addition to serving your country and being loved by (the non-liberal part of) America, you get various benefits like tuition assistance, free medical, free food and housing if you are single, PX and commissary privileges, and military discounts all over the country.  Check the link below for more information.

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