
What are all the efforts needed to save the planet earth from Global Warming?

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Almost everyday we hear about an earthquake and everyday news gives about the extinction of a species due to human domination.




  1. Probably the only thing that would help is for humans to be wiped clean from the planet. We are no good for it.

  2. nuclear power is the answer if the protesters would let us build and improve on the 1990 build nuclear plants we have today you would only need 400 of them to power the whole of america with extremely low waste that would be stored in yucca mountian if not for protesters for a very long time and there only have been 3 nuclear power plant failures and 1 in russia that was signifcent but the nuclear power plant was cheap and terriblly deisgned even by 1960s standards nther thing they go on about that 40000 speises are dieing every year theres no proof for this and why do we need these animals yes we need cows bees and such but what is the purpose of a panda. so the efforts needed are to stop the protesters in a nut shell. There is no global warming it is not getting hotter there was one peak in 1998 and since then is has been going down steadly. This is just the tip of the iceburg.

  3. well saving energy saving water not driving cars that run on gas or diesel just bio diesel and electric cars

  4. LIberal are the true threat to world domination, they want you to give up any luxuries except they wont. When  AL gore sells his plane all his homes and start living the Amish life I will take some consideration that their may be a problem. WHen he is buying up carbon credit companies getting ready to make a killing on your ignorance I suspect there is a scam in progress.

  5. now planet earth is the one and only home for livithings. To save our home we need to increase the forest area but. but it is not possible now. sow the one and only possible way is planting more number of trees. we can plant a tree for every functions in our home.

  6. Since Global warming was a natural cycle of the sun, obviously we would have to be able to control the sun and its output. Since this natural cycle has peaked and is now on the way down again, I suspect the question is moot.

  7. alternative fuels can b used 2 prevent global warming.

    Some well known alternative fuels include biodiesel, bioalcohol (ethanol, butanol), chemically stored electricity (batteries and fuel cells), hydrogen, non-fossil methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil and other biomass sources.also rain water harvesting,strategy involves adapting urban areas to increasingly severe storms by increasing rainwater storage (domestic water butts, unpaved gardens etc) and increasing the capacity of stormwater systems (and also separating stormwater from blackwater, so that overflows in peak periods do not contaminate rivers).there r many other methods

  8. Wait now global warming causes earthquakes?

    Ok you people have really jumped the shark now.

  9. I think we must to do and contribe our shares to protect our environment and save the planet by the followings.

    1) Try to use least energy

    2) Try to drive less with a smaller engine car and by car pool or buses for our daily needed trips.

    3) Apply the 3R of reduce, recycle, and reuse.

    4) Try to keep our environment clean at home and int he public places

    5) Try to consume less plastic bags, soap, detergent, and cleaning chemicals.

    6) Try to collect all our used papers, books, and can be recycle things and send to the recycle agents for exchange of money.

    7) Donate the bulk items to second hand stores for money or charitable cause and leave more space for our dump site.

    8) Boycott the agents or manufacturers for selling or manufacturing chemicals that conteminate our earth.

    9) Try to learn more about global warning and present your ideas to send to the local government, president, or priminister to save our planet.

    We must start with our own and our community first. It is necessary to do it right the ways. Hong Kong peoples don't care about the environment with a car flow capacity of more than 400/km, bunker fuels are used for ferry boats, two coal-fired power generating stations, and dirty waterfronts making Hong Kong as the most polluted city in this world. There were 10 million clinical visits for the treatment of asthma, heart and lungs diseases just in 2007. The death toll was 3,000 last year caused by the foul air.

    The following websites perhaps beyond the scope of our individual ability to participate. However it is not bad to learn more about it.

    You can explore this as a personal study or enlightenment.

  10. ok now calm down go to the news tower and ask them to take a shot of this" please listen to me i have point in saving the lives and they are 1: you need to of the lights for one minute in all the places in town and for a week .2: you have to plant a lot of trees.(the second one is the main point even if you dont use the first) one more, go to places which and plant trees which there is no trees. these are the steps ok. take care.

  11. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be an expert about "man made global warming" but I have my doubts about it. The reason I balk when the term "climate CRISIS" is that there are many scientists out there that claim the problem is not as severe as it has been made out to be. Despite what many proponents may say, there is growing number of credible scientists coming out against AGW. The American Physics Society (APS), although not changing their stance on AGW, has come out and said that there is a significant number of scientist that dispute AGW and that the issue should be open for debate. Additionally there is evidence that not only is earth warming but that all the other planets in the solar system are warming, opening the possibility that the sun could be mostly responsible for warming.

    With that said, I do hope that the U.S can develop alternative energies to get off our addiction to oil. I just don't think we should do it in the name of a false consensus, and an over blown "climate crisis" when there are many credible scientists, along with a lot of credible data that disputes the notion of man-made global warming.

    P.S. Comments like " we're all going to die and then people will care" is exactly the ridiculous fear mongering I'm talking about.

    Heres a link of a list of article excerpts (and links to whole articles) showing that there is a sizable population of scientists disputing this supposed "crisis" and proving that despite what many say, the debate is not over.

    Heres a few excerpts of many:

    India Issues Report Challenging Global Warming Fears – July 9, 2008

    Excerpt: India issued its National Action Plan on Climate Change in June 2008 disputing man-made global warming fears and declared the country of one billion people had no intention of stopping its energy growth or cutting back its CO2 emissions. […] The report declared: “No firm link between the documented [climate] changes described below and warming due to anthropogenic climate change has yet been established.”

    Considerable presence' of global warming skeptics exist, science group admits – July 16, 2008 – Australian's The Herald-Sun

    Canvass of more than 51,000 Canadian scientists in 2008 reveals 68% disagree that global warming science is ‘settled’ – March 6, 2008

    Team of 13 International Scientists Write Letter To UN Sec. Gen. – IPCC ‘Must be called to account and cease its deceptive practices’ - 14th of July, 2008

    Top UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Turns on IPCC. Calls Warming Fears: ‘Worst scientific scandal in the history’ – June 27, 2008 - By Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist who specializes in optical waveguide spectroscopy from the Yokohama National University, also contributed to the 2007 UN IPCC AR4 (fourth assessment report) as an expert reviewer.

  12. Earthquakes aren't caused by global warming.  Good lord, you people need to get a grip.

    Species have been going extinct for million of years, that's nothing new.  Every species that has vanished from the planet has been replaced with something else to take it's place.

    Global warming is part of a natural warming/cooling cycle that the planet has gone through for millions upon millions of years.  We can't stop it, it involves forces we have absolutely no control over.

  13. Human domination???  LIBERAL, LIBERAL, LIBERAL...  Species die out and new species are discovered almost daily...  So you liberals are so stupid that you think that you can stop any natural cycles.... ROTFLMAO

  14. It is an effort, Just like an effort to erradicate the AIDS.

    The reson is some where benith.

    Stop Luxeries.

    Keep Justice and  spred it all over the world.

  15. Concerted efforts are needed for sustainable development and implementation of comprehensive clean power program which necessarily include large scale nuclear expansion, clean coal-fired power stations, hydro-electric power to maximum potential of a region and increase in renewable energy such as solar and wind.

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