
What are all the gases of global warming?

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Yeah, i meant greenhouse gases




  1. the title of the major gases are called the greenhouse gases. the problem is carbon dioxide, it traps the UV rays, that are currently changing the global temperatures.  other major greenhouse gases are methane ,water vapor ,nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons. All of these gases promote the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface.

  2. Greenhouse gases are those affected by heat.   The ones NOT affected are diatomic ones, such as Oxygen and Nitrogen. (In gaseous form they are always signified as O2 and N2)

    Our atmosphere is of course roughly 80% N2 and 19% O2 leaving only 1% remaining as greenhouse; most of this is good old water vapor (H20) and a microscopic 360 ppm (parts per million), or .036%) of CO2 (carbon Dioxide).

    Water vapor effect has never been studied yet it is by far a greater factor,  dwarfing carbon dioxide.  One wonders why?

  3. People and animals breathing, farting, (especially those cows, gotta regulate them), cement plants, cars, trucks.

  4. water (H2O), Nitrogen's oxides (N2O,NO,NO2), methane (CH4), CFCs and HFCs (both being about 1000x more potent then CO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and Ozone (O3) are the main ones.

    they are all greenhouse gasses because they can absorb infra red radiation, sort of in the same way as a tuning fork absorbs sound waves and vibrates.

    the earth gives of heat as infra red radiation. when these gasses absorb this heat it prevents more and more heat from escaping and causes warming.

  5. carbon dioxide, water vapor and other gases that are lighter go up into the atmosphere and create a green house -hence, the green house effect

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