
What are all the major contributions of "The Theory of Evolution" created by Charles Darwin?

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Not just the Theory of Evolution...Anything that has to do with Charles Darwin...What were Charles Darwins' major contributions besides the theory of evolution?




  1. If memory serves, Darwin also cataloged a huge # of plant and animal species and wrote purely scientific books on his discoveries.

  2. I think his work helped to influence or create the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Botany? and Sociobiology - maybe more. He was ahead of his time.

    There are two recent books published that I want to read on Darwin's life (besides the Origin of the Species which I didn't finish). They are written by James D. Watson (Watson and Crick) and Edward O. Wilson which you can find on Amazon I imagine. These may help to explain his contributions to humanity.

    E.O. Wilson (Sociobiology) by the way wrote a book in 78' that is informative called, On Human Behavior. It taught me to think differently about our evolution, behaviors and relationships to other insects and animals, ie: Kin-Selection.


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