
What are all the negative things about breast implants?

by  |  earlier

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Health issues? Complications? and positives please:)?




  1. First off, they are fake. No one likes a fake personality, so why are fake body parts any different?

    They are expensive and need to be redone anywhere from every 5 to 10 years.

    15% of breast cancers are missed (including with mammograms and ultrasounds). As well those screening processes become more uncomfortable physically.

    Even though they are saline, it is still a silicone bag.

    They can and have 'popped' in car accidents and other types of accidents.

    Like any surgery, there are risks of infection, complications, etc. A ruptured spleen is not a surgery that is unnecessary... it is needed to save a life, unlike breast implants.

    Why would anyone put their body through that and pay that much for  self esteem issue is beyond me. People need to learn to love what they have.

    Morgues will hold onto implants after death upwards of 10 years. So what does that tell you?

    A padded push up bra costs a lot less and does NO harm to one's body.

    That's just my two cents. However, at the end of the day its a decision that women are entitled to make.  

  2. they dont look real

    a complication is that u could end up not being able to feel ur nipples another one is u cant breast feed ur child.

    i also heard they are like hard as rocks.. and not fun to play with.

    my boyfriend if he sees a hot girl on tv and says oh shes hot then he sees her b***s and is look oh never mind those are fake.. in other words some guys are put off by fake b***s

    i also have heard they arnt fun to play with.


  3. You can always tell they are not real!


    GREAT site to learn anything you need!

  5. Everybody KNOWS they are fake.

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