
What are all the pets you have ever had?

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2 cats- Patches + Cody

3 Dogs- Bentley + Stiches + Tucker

1 Fish- Bubble Gum




  1. Dogs:


    sheppard cross

    boston terrier

    minature american eskimo

    Irish wolfhound (HUGE)


    rotty (really dumb)

    -3 cats

    -2 lizards



    -dozens of gold fish and koi

  2. 5 dogs - Topsy, Sam, Tess, Fred, and Oscar

    8 puppies (9 if you count Fred) - Grinch, Wizzer, Angel, Dash, Kate and Katie (twins), Buddy, and Egor

    4 cats - Max, Pickles, Cleo and Piper

    1 budgie - Will

    3 hamsters - Scout, Genevie, and Marshmellow

    6 rabbits - Lucky, Honeybunny, Pumpkin, Princess, Black beauty, and Ginger

    2 guenie pigs - Blacky and Browny

    and too many fish to count...

  3. several dogs

    several cats

    several fish

    3 rabbits

    1 lizard

    1 snake

    1 gecko



  4. 26 gerbils (we bought two that we thought were both males, but one was a female.  They had babies-twice)

    9 cats (my cat had two litters)- munchkin and juice

    1 dog- duchess

    1 fish

  5. massive amount of fish, 3 hamsters, like 8 cats/dogs, a horse, 2 hermies, 2 lizards, 2 rabbits, and a jolly old dancing pigeon...AND ALOT OF SEA MONKEYS.

  6. rainbow (betta fish when i was 3) goldie (goldfish when i was2) about 20 other fish.. ears (bunny when i was 4) cookie (cat when i was 6) honey (bunny when i was 7) Milo (dog when i was 8)  Odie (dog when i was 9) Belle (hamster when 10) teddy (hamster  when i was 11) chip (hamster when i was 11) and 12 baby hamsters! honey,milo odie and my hamsters are the ones i still have! and my future chinchilla..

  7. 2 dogs

    2 cats

    another 2 cats that ran away

    2 or more goldfishes

    2 or 3 chickens

    2 tortoises

    2 sisters

    1 tamagochi

  8. 1 Bunny - Bun Bun lol (the best bunny on the planet R.I.P)

    1 Guinea Pig - Rollo

    A ton of sea monkeys I couldn't tell the difference between

    2 Frogs that we found in an empty garbage can we left outside- Hoppers and Bob

    1 Spider we found in our garage that we didn't name


    1 Possum that we had for about 5 minutes since he snuck into a flower pot we had outside

  9. 10+ cats - Chip/Minnie, Barney, Rosy, Dale, Smokey, Mitsy, Smokey II, Unnamed, ummm...etc.

    >Currently 2 - Morgan & Nermal.

    15+ fish - Tiger, Goldie, Blackie, Tigger, more Unnamed.

    >Currently 7 - Tetras named Turk & Yakum, Danios named Casper, Razha, Shaerkhan, Kusko, & Lefu.

    3 snails - Unnamed x2.

    >Currently 1 - Remy.

    3 shrimp -  Mushu & Unnamed x2.

    7+ aquatic frogs - Frogger, Filly, Fonzie, Unnamed x3?

    >Currently 1 - Unnamed.

    4 red-eared slider turtles - Seamore, Seamore II, & Unnamed x2.

    2 Chickens - Lunch & Dinner

    15+ butterflies - Unnamed.

    Uncounted amounts of unidentified creatures (possibly Daphnias or Ostracods).

    >Currently living in a jar on my windowsill.

  10. right now i have only 3 cats and 6 fishies and 3 baby fish! but all together i use to have a fish then 2 other cats that ran away the a hamster a rat and 2 guinepiggs and a dog.

  11. When I was really little, my family had a dog named Perky.  I don't really remember him.

    When I was about 6, we had a budgie named Corky.  The name came from the TV show Heidi, but I don't remember the connection.

    When I was about 9 or 10, we got a Boston Terrier.  His 'legal' name was Moonglow Sadja Buddie, but we just called him Buddie.  

    I later had a tarantula.  She was a Mexican Red Legged and was really beautiful.  We called her Aricha (say it like Erica.)

    Then we had a beagle named Bailey.  Cute as anything but not all that bright.  Unfortunately hit by a car.  We got another beagle named Addison, after David Addison of the Moonlighting TV show.

    About 11 years ago adopted two girl kitties.  Called them Trish and Sasha.  Trish, unknown to all, was pregnant.  Only one of her litter of 3 was born alive so we kept him.  His official name is Mischa but he made such a cute litttle sound when he was a kitten that we started calling him Meep and the name just stuck.

    Edit: I forgot that we had tanks of freshwater fish - started with a 10 gallon and added a 45 gallon tank later on.  Never named any of them.  Black Mollies, Swordtails, Tetras, Angel fish, some kind of shark, plecostemus, probably a few others.

  12. Dog-3





    I currently have only one dog and one Piranha.

  13. Baby chickens when very young,Dogs, cat, fish, snakes, alligator, horn toads, Iguana, small turtle parakeets, guinea pigs. Dogs and parakeets were the best.

  14. I have two tuxedo cats Big Eyes and Mickey Mouse

    I have a rabbit named Sylvester

    I have 3 Betta Fish: Morbid, Mini Me and Fishy

    and then 4 kittens: Harley, Peanut, Oreo,Moose

  15. 3 cats

    hoping for a dogs

  16. 2 hermit crabs-Hermi+Junior

    1 dog-Dusti

    1 fish-goldi

    I had a lot of other fish i just can't rememmber their names!

    1 chicken-Mrs.Peeps

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