
What are all the points for??

by  |  earlier

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im new at this so idk what the points are for can someone telll me.....................




  1. Points are what take you to different levels.

    Higher levels give you more access (ask & answer more questions, access to voting, etc.)

    Higher levels and points (especially with a lot of best answers) give you a higher credibility when you answer questions.

    The point system means you can't just ask questions all the time, but have to contribute answers.

    Mainly it's just for fun and to encourage participation.

  2. get points from answering ppl's questions n use it to ask questions!

    it is juz like money! although u save a lot but it is useless as u "gone" from this world! so dont be too stingy or else u will have a difficult life to go on!

  3. Points are awarded for each question you answer and additional points are awarded if your answer is chosen as the best answer.  Points are subtracted when you ask a question.  The points indicate how active and accurate you are in your responses.

  4. I asked the same question and found out they are for getting to new levels so you can answer better questions and give people thumbs up or thumbs down once you get to level 2. Hope it helps!

  5. The more you answer the more points you get

  6. i dunno///go to my question and answer or put it as interesting!

  7. You can save them up to buy stuff at the Yahoo Store or donate them to combat AIDS in Africa.

    Actually, that was a total lie.  The points are kind of like Chia Pets: the more they grow and the more prominently they are displayed the less likely it is that you will get laid.  Ultimately, they are totally useless

  8. You can buy stuff online with the points.  You go to the Yahoo store and purchase things like mp3 players, game systems, cds, and even plasma televisions.  I already got a ps3 and a plasma monitor!!!

  9. uhm, the more points that you get, the more stuff you can do on Yahoo Answers.

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