
What are all the random acts of kindness you can think of?

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What random acts of kindness have you done? I 'd like some ideas to help keep me busy this summer!

10 pts asap!




  1. Volunteer at redcross nursing homes humane sciety

    help out elderly neighbors do yard work for free!

  2. Pick up garbage in a neighbor's yard - or take a walk and take a plastic bag with you (and some gloves) and pick up trash along the roadside.  

    Offer to mow your neighbor's lawn.

    If you belong to a church, ask your priest if there are currently any members of the church who are 'in home care' meaning they cannot attend church regularly and ask if you can write to them.  Even if it's just a short note, it could make their day.

  3. When my neighbor was hospitalized, I left his wife meals every day because I knew he did all of the cooking and she wouldn't eat well with him gone.  My elderly neighbor has trouble bringing in and out her trash containers on our collection day, so we do it for her.  We pick up the flyers and newspapers left on doors and drives for our neighbors who we know are on vacation. We bake and make healthy treats for our canine friends in the neighborhood and leave them in decorative containers on their porches.  I grow succulents and orchids which vastly over produce babies which I plant and leave for my neighbors on their porches.  I also over produce tomatoes, peppers and herbs.  I make sauce, salsa and dry the herbs again leaving them for the neighbors when I do.

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