
What are all the reasons that a person would want to go to the ukraine?

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What are all the reasons that a person would want to go to the ukraine?




  1. Why someone would want to go to Ukraine would vary from person to person. Some reasons are:

    1. To experience a culture different than your own. In my opinion, this is the biggest reason. Just go with an open mind and do not judge what is right by your culture's standards.

    2. To see the rich history. Ukraine has cities that are older than the USA. I have been inside buildings in Ukraine that are older than the US. There are ancient castles in their full glory, fine art, memorials to historic events, museums, etc.

    3. The beaches of the Black Sea. They vary from small pebble beaches to fine sand beaches. The water is warm, and a deep black color.

    4. Hand crafts that are pure Ukrainian, that you will not find anywhere else in the world. To see someone paint an egg (pysanky) by hand, to see them weave ornate designs into cloths and clothing, as well as many other culturally specific arts and crafts.

    5. To experience native Ukrainian dress, dance, and celebrations.

    6. To experience the rich food, that cannot be recreated in the Americas. You will never taste food with such flavor - even simple things like natural tomatoes.

    7. Many people go to see the effects of the Chernobyl accident - both in person at Chernobyl, and on culture in general.

    I could go on for hours.

  2. hot chicks

  3. I love Ukraine! It is so hard to put into words why I love it or why you should go.

    Ukraine as a whole is great, there is so much to do, and each part of Ukraine is so different. I love Kiev, the city is so great, I would just walk around every night. I city is very beautiful.

    I love the food, the people. If you go and really try to learn about the people you will fall in love!

  4. Good parties, nice girls, nice people, and everything cheap..

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