
What are all the space telescopes we got floatin' around up there now? I can think of at least five.?

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  1. HST, GLAST, SOHO, Spitzer, XMM Newton, Chandra X-ray, Swift, Hinode, STEREO.

    But many of the other missions have pretty good cameras.  Voyagers I & II, MRO, Spirit, Opportunity (which has imaged the Earth and Moon), Cassini,  Mariner 4, 9 & 10, Pioneer 10 & 11, Deep Space I, Deep Impact's continuing mission, WMAP.

    There are probably others.

  2. There are many of them.  If you just want to count the ones in earth orbit, pointing outward, there's:

    1)  The Hubble Space Telscope-  Works in visible, near infrared, and near ultraviolet light.  

    2) The Spitzer Space Telescope - Infrared

    3) GALEX - the "GALaxy  Evolution eXplorer"  Ultraviolet

    4) Chandra - XRay telescope

    5) GLAST- Gamma ray telescope (not yet fully operational, just launched last June)

    6) Gamma- A russian Gamma ray satellite

    7) WMAP - "Wilkenson Microwave Anisotropy Probe" - studies the comsic background radiation, microwaves

    8) SOHO - SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory - stares at the sun all day.

    Facing the other way, towards us, are:

    1) Landsats  5, 6, and 7

    2) Various NOAA weather satellites

    3) GeoEye - Company sells high resolution satellite images like those seen in "Google Earth" - but to Yahoo and Microsoft.

    4) Ikonos- Another hi-res commercial satellite system.  

    5) FORMOSAT- Chinese high-res satellite.

    If you want to count telescopes on Space probes, the following missions are still functioning:

    1) Cassini-  Orbiting Saturn

    2) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter-  Orbiting Mars (biggest orbiting telescope not near Earth)

    3) New Horizons-  On its way to Pluto-Charon

    4) Messenger- Will settle into orbit around Mercury

    5) Dawn- on its way to visit two asteroids

    6) Deep Impact- Already accomplished its primary mission of smashing a probe into comet Tempel1, but is being redirected to new targets

    7) CONTOUR - COmet Nucleus TOUR- will visit three different comets

    8) Mars Express - European Mars Orbiter

    9) Venus Express - Eurpean, Due to Orbit Venus

    That's all I can think of now.

  3. That we know, or that secret military ones?

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