
What are all the words your Parrot can say???Any Tricks???

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Our Parrot is so smart-He can say over 200 Words! He even understands some of their meanings...he's sooo cute!!He's from Brazil and he's about 40 years-old now.He can also do tricks like...flip over and over on his pole....Answer questions(some)....ride in toy cars & trucks......catch things in mid-air...etc!!! We want to put him on "You-tube" soon!




  1. my friends parrot can curse in russian

  2. I have a Blue Fronted Amazon, she is 14 months old. She says and mimics the following;


    Good girl

    Good boy

    Whata ya doin

    wanna pistachio

    hot diggity dog

    come here puppy

    I'm gonna get you

    I love you

    rock and roll big doggy




    na na na na

    oh no

    oh that tickles


    phone ringing

    answering machine

    water faucet dripping

    wolf whistle and other whistles

    laugh (several different ones)



  3. Wow . . . is it an African Grey? I have a cockatiel, but it's a girl, so she's not very vocal. She chirps when we flush the toilet & when we sneeze . . . but other than that, she's pretty quiet.

  4. My blue front amazon has an amazing collection of phrases he always uses at the right moment to make us laugh, or at least let our jaw drop. haha Here are some of my favorites:

    ~Be nice!

    ~Come here Come here

    ~Shut up

    ~I love you

    ~Pretty Bird Joe (his name is Joey)

    ~Hello there

    ~Home run! /Strikeout!(We watch a lot of baseball, and he's been around for many many games lol at age 20 something)

    ~Stop that

    ~What? (yes we ask him something and he will reply "What??!"

    ~Can you say hi?

    ~Good night

    ~Erica (my name) and Alex (my brother) which is how he calls us.

    ~Whatcha doin?(he almost sounds southern when he says that haha)

    ~See ya later

    He mimicks a phone ringing, and also has an evil laugh (like a muhahahaha and it's really slow like HA...HA...HA) He normally will say come here come here or make the phone sound and when you come running he does his evil laugh as if to say "I got ya that time!" new guests are very very prone to being mistreated this way lol

    My conure doesn'ttalk, but she doesmimick the cat's meow and deoes thsi weird frog like sound.  Now when we says frog she does that sound, and the lovebird Huey mimicks Jingle Bells.

  5. parrots can say many things!!! just watch this!


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