
What are all your views on the forming of the one world government in either 2010 or 2012?

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yes this is going to happen! their is so much proof the fact that the European union, N.american union, African union and the soon to be Asian union are going to join to form the one world government! TOTAL control means TOTAL disaster!




  1. Ring your doctor tell them the pills arent working.

    Pinky and the brain are gonna rule in four years time my eye

  2. Do you really believe that America would even remotely think of shareing the power if it came to it ?

    Did you mentioned African Union ??????????

    The coons keep fighting from tribe to tribe, and love to kill each others too much. how would you unite them ????????

  3. It will only come about through total global war and the death of at least 1/3rd of all of the world's people.  Iran would have to be warred against, and that will toss Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and other countries against Israel, the U.S., Great Britain, and the like.  Obviously one side contains by far the majority of the world's population, while the other leads the world in military technology.

    If total control happens, it won't survive long, there is too much of a disparity amongst different areas of the world.\ and there doesn't appear to be enough resources for everyone.

  4. no more war, no risks of nuclear destruction, and it would not be a government in total control, it would resemble most of the governments today, representative democracy

  5. Listen....the North American union has proven to be false, Africa and Asia are at constant war and so never will join up and the EU is possibly the only group slowly forming one large nation....

    Personally, one world government means everyone is equal and therefore I love it....

    Also, may I note that the link you gave just said what would happen if this is true...doesn't have much good evidence behind it except speculations...

  6. What a fantastic idea.The people in charge are almost completely divorced from reality already, a world government will give them complete isolation.

    The tighter you grip sand in your fist,the more slips through your fingers.

  7. There is more chance of The world coming to an end than a One World Government being established in our life time .

  8. We are currently running under it. dont u understand?

  9. its hard enough getting two counties to agree to the colour of sh-te, let alone one world government,

    that's the c**p films are made of, not real life

  10. Since it isn't going to happen, I don't care about it. Why would I waste my time caring about a fantasy scenario? And none of what you wrote adds up to anything. You provided no evidence to support your claim.

  11. It would be devastating and life and freedom as we know it would be gone.

  12. Now if this world "government" decided to name itself the british empire out of a sign of gratitude and decided to use the pound sterling then yes i would support it but if not then **** offfffffff and get out

    what did we fight the battle of britain for?

    that's right, freedom.

  13. I would like to see how this would ever turn out, because we can't even get "Total" in our own government!!

  14. Oh it is definitely on its way. I haven't read about the European Union since the Lisbon vote, I'm anxious to see how they still enforce the union. The N. American Union has hardly even been mentioned, on the news or anywhere and how Bush could get us into that, without the congress is beyond me. people are to stubborn or scared to look at the facts smacking them in the face until its usually to late. Doesn't seem much different here.

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