
What are alternative water sources?

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i'm doing a school project adout traditional and alternitive water sources with prons & cons....HELP!!!! PLZ.




  1. Beside desalinating sea water, we have glacial ice, we have recovered water... basically sewage minus contaminants, typically cleaned up with reverse osmosis after earth filtration.

    Of course reverse osmosis is the current primary means of desalinating sea water.

    We can use a plastic tent over a clothes line over the desert sand and collect water dripping from its underside. That might qualify as alternative.

    Rain water collected from a metal roof is an alternative to city mains water.

  2. Earth has enough water (4km deep , on 4/5 of the surface)

    The sun evaporate it permanently ( km3/Sec ) to make it soft

    We only need to share the water and refeel the underground spaces with runoff water.

    Like  we already do there:

  3. sea water is an alternative, pro would be...there is a lot of it, con would be it is very expensive to desalinate.

    i'm pretty sure that is the only alternative we would need since there is so much of it

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