
What are any thoughts on mixing species or housing together geckos,Emerald Lacerta in community terrarium?

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Hi I wanna get a big community terraruim desert/Jungle habitat 40 gallon or 2 if need be for these Lizards same sized and all females few males and I will print out profile labels of each gecko listed with name and picture like the zoos do it on the top-side glass.Here it is Male Panther Gecko & a male Leopard gecko who get along and a female leo a white female panther With tibetan emerald Lacerta/Lacerta agilis,Namibian Lion Gecko/Chondrodactylus angulifer,African Tiger Gecko,African banded gecko/p.Fasciatus,australian velvet gecko/Oedura Marmorata,2 kinds of Bent toed geckos,2 kinds of slender toed geckos,chinese tiger cave gecko/goniosaurus,skunk white-lined gecko,Bibrons gecko and a sandfish and mb a Rankins Dragon.Please Let me know any advise Ill pay $100 if you tell me what I want to hear Ill pay anything this is my new thing I love my Panther gecko he's a ball of personality and cause of him Im Lizard Nuts.Thanks Eli




  1. There are 2 ways to keep reptiles.

    Alone in their own habitats.

    In a recreation of the wild habitat.  If you want to do this, you have to recreate conditions EXACTLY as they are in the wild.  You have to use all of the native species.  You can't "mix and match" random animals and plants.  


    They've evolved to live a certain way, among certain other species.  If you toss them all in a cage together, they won't get proper heat, light, or diet.  They'll be stressed by creatures they have no way of dealing with.

    Zoos spend MILLIONS on these types of habitats.  Are you willing to take it that far?

    The best thing for a private owner to do is keep one type of animal per enclosure.  Providing that particular lizard doesn't mind sharing with "family".  (Some species will fight one another)

    There are books in the Library.

    Google lizard care.  All you have to do is type it in, millions of hits will tell you all you need to know about each and every one of those animals, and the environment it needs to survive.

  2. Dont mix

    ok for starters a WTF ok u have no idea what the care needs for these lizards are do u. panthers need more humidity than leopards most of these mixes are totally unsuitable even in the views of liberal mixing people and the tank is way WAY too small.

    u have no idea of the possible consequences of mixing do u plus your gonna need more than 100 bucks more like 1000-2000

    ok here's reasons u shouldn't mix

    common problems inculde

    Eating each other (its suprising what will at least try to eat what)

    Attacking/ killing each other (2 animals that dont normally live together will sometimes fight.

    stress (makes for ill reptiles just being near even a species from the same geological range can be stressful to these animals)(this is very noticeable in snakes but affects all other types of reptile and amphibian)

    Incompatible toxins bacteria and illnesses (especially with phibs but is common with others 2 just cause one species can handle one type of bacteria/doesn't mean they all can these animals evolved in totally different ways meaning there resistant to different things, as for toxins many phibs and invert have these as defense mechanisms and can easily kill or make the others ill)

    My final thought just because 2 animals require similar set-up and temps doesnt mean there suitable, also so called safe mixes often end up in disaster or just generally unpleasant environments for your pets. mixing is not something to be taken lightly done on a whim or attempted without years of knowledge an expert knowledge of all species involved and a brilliant knowledge of the particular animals involved. it also takes a boat load of luck. do u really wanna to risk your pets for some fantasy which really u will probably never be able to pull off without harming killing your animals

    if u do ever mix anything remember it takes months of careful monitoring health checks and general specialized care.

  3. Gosh, but I'd love to invent a yarn, and lie to you.  I NEED the $100!

    But, the simple fact is - you can't combine a jungle and desert animal in a single habitat.

    All babies are cute, and if they are well fed, etc.; most can even live together for a few months, before health issues arise.  But they WILL arise!

    Geckos tend to be solitary creatures, gathering only to mate.  And even that encounter can be violent or unfortunate.  A too willing male can encounter a nearly ready but not receptive female, and "the sparks will fly" but NOT in a good way!  Life in the wild is brutal; unwitnessed; and often fatal.  Mistakes aren't tolerated, and aren't passed on to the next generation.

    Nature is not closed-minded, but 'she' IS selective.

    I really don't think you can "best God's plan."

    You'd call this habitat "Euphoria"?  You are talking about species from different climates, all around the world.  Each species has different heat requirements.  Each has a different diet.  Each, basically is nomadic, or territorial.  They vary in size and aggression, based on area or origin.

    How exactly, are you planning to erase all that, and create a single habitat which suits them all?

    But, life is the playdough of the dreamer.  Far be it for me to say "it can't be done."  I don't see it being done, in my lifetime, at least, but who knows what the future holds?  Maybe you will break existing frontiers, and become a new pioneer?  What degrees in animal behavior/husbandry do you hold, and how many degrees did you achieve?

    Have you successfully crossbred a desert and tropical gecko yet?  Are you close?

    If I live long enough; I will become an avid fan.

    Just for the NUMBER of species you listed; do you have any idea how large that enclosure would need to BE?!!

    Did you ever see Jurassic Park?  The movie?  Remember the jeep ride, and looking for the dinosaurs, as they free ranged their pens, and weren't 'available for beck and call' appearances?

    How do you plan to label the enclosure, and present the contained animal for 'viewing'?

    You invested a good paragraph on your "dream."  But, as far as I'm concerned: it's JUST a daydream.

    Infatuation is grand.  Puppy love is.  I hope you invest the research necessary to realize you cannot house animals with different feedling/housing/heat/humidity needs together in a common community!

    Oh, I forgot to ask: "Are you independently wealthy?"  I don't believe you'll find grant money for this project.

    I hate to be the "ice water to wake you up," but I hope I have been.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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