I am introducing baby food to my daughter one food at a time as directed, but I'm not sure how much she should work up to. She has already worked her way up to 3-4 Tbs. of cereal twice a day in addition to her formula. The doctor said once she gets on fruit and veggies her formula intake should go down to 19-24 oz. per day. Well I didn't ask her about how much cereal and fruits and veggies she should work her way up to. Websites all contradict each other. Some say three jars of fruits and veggies a day and some say as much as 5 so I thought I'd get some real world advice from people who've been there. Also, should I keep her cereal at the same amount twice a day? What is a sample feeding schedule that has worked for you?
My plan: A work in progress
8:00am wake - 3-4 Tbs cereal with about 1/2 jar fruit, 5oz formula
12:00 - 1 jar veggie/fruit, 6 oz formula
3:30 - snack - juice or formula if hungry
5:30 - 1 jar veggie/fruit, 3-4 Tbs cereal with about 1/2 jar fruit, 2 oz formula if desired
7:30 bath, 6 oz bottle and bedtime
Any advice?