
What are aquarius' best love matches?

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also how do you figure out if you're born under sun or moon sign?




  1. Well my Mums is aquarius and my dad is capricorn , and they have been married for 30years !  

  2. Im an aqua girl and me and my bf have been going out for 2 years now and he is a leo.  

  3. fire or air signs

  4. I know that Leos and Sagittarius are. You can go to this site ( to get a free birthchart. It will explain more about yourself. You actually are born under both a moon and a sun sign. Everyone is. We use our sun signs when we read horoscopes. Our sun sign is the personality we display on the outside. Our moon sign is said to be our personality that we keep hidden. If you are an Aquarius then that's your sun sign. If you get your chart done then it will tell you your Moon sign.

  5. all the air and fire aquarius, librans, geminis', leos, sagittarius' and aries'  

  6. libras are good :)

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