
What are assessment tools for students with learning disabilities?

by Guest33474  |  earlier

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What are assessment tools for students with learning disabilities?




  1. There are a variety of tools used - it is advisable to do NOT an evaluation that looks only at learning disabilities but one that is more comprehensive.  There may be another reason for a deficit and a more complete evaluation might detect that.

    At the minimum there has to be an IQ test and an Academic test with a learning disability the various states have criteria and if the Academic area is lower than one would expect given the IQ results - typically by a certain amount - you could qualify for assistance.  

    IQ test shows Full scale IQ of  110 and area of Math skills is 105.  

    Academic testing indicates math fluency as 81.

    Possible learning disability.

    In a comprehensive evaluation I like to see:

    IQ test - nationally normed  

    Academic test - Nathionally normed (Woodcock Johnson)


    Review of academic results (local and school based testing, report cards etc)

    BASC-2 (Behavior Assesment Scale for Children - 2)

    Maybe an Adaptive scale like the ABAS

    Work skills and organizational checklists.

    Speech/language, Sensory, Motor - based on need or observation.

    Review of any outside therapy or screenings.

    That's sort of a minimum but should give a pretty good snapshot of functioning level and needs.

  2. Assessment tools for students with learning disabilities include formal and informal assessments.  Formal assessments include standardized norm-based tools.  Informal assessments include student work products, portfolios, unit tests, anecdotal records, and observations.

  3. are you trying to diagnose, or assess progress?  Different measures are used for different purposes.  There are standardized measures, and curriculum based ones.

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