
What are ativan withdrawal sypmtoms?

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are muscle spasms (left side) sharp shooting pains and abdominal pain common to dose reduction. My doctor would like me to stay at current daily dose, I feel otherwise, and rather take as needed




  1. Sam...yes, those can be symptoms of dose reduction.  You may feel moody, anxious and have a lot of muscle tension.  The best way to avoid these withdrawal symptoms is to go down very slowly.

    I understand wanting to take your meds as needed (I prefer that myself), especially ones like Ativan, a benzodiazipine that is potentially addictive.  Just do not be afraid to take it when you do need it.  Addiction is unlikely when taken with a doctor's supervision and only as prescribed.

    Good luck Sam.

  2. Most common withdrawal effects - Addiction. Try to stay off the med.  I was prescribed 6mg xanax/ativan daily and it led me to my attempted suicide and drug addiction

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