
What are australians view of british people?

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and is it true youre all decendants of thieves lol




  1. I reckon theyre a hoot.........and where do you think us "Aussies" came from ...!! ?

  2. I can only speak for myself, you guys make me sick,your always complaining about something and i wish to Christ your queen was off our currency...

  3. Who cares what Australians think.


    btw - do you really really really think that everyone in Britain speaks with the same accent? There are many many different regional accents in Scotland, England, and Wales - and all of them are preferable to the annoying nasal whine that most Australians emit.

  4. Generally good but it gets up the nose when everything is compared unfavourably with a country they chose to leave.

  5. fu@king winging ar@eholes from the country of the unwashed with the ugliest monach on the planet

  6. Well I used to live with an English-Polish family (long story) and my aunty is British so I don't have a problem with British people. Generally Australians are pretty open to most cultures. Most would have worse things to say about Americans than British people. We share more things in common with Brits than Americans.

    Yes alot of Australians were originally convicts in the past, but the gold rush was also a huge contributing factor towards immigration.

  7. Actually, they sent the minor criminals here and kept the bad ones in England which is where our thieves all came from. I wouldn't be too smug about who's descended from criminals if I were you.

    We generally don't mind Poms, quite like them in fact, but SOME of them are dreadful whingers and we don't like those ones. They're never happy. If it's warm, they're too hot. If it's cool, they're not hot enough. If they have plenty of money, they whinge about having to pay too much tax. They used to whinge about the snow and the rain when they were back in the UK, now they complain because there's no snow and it doesn't rain enough.They always seem to be able to find something to moan about.

    Of course, most Brits aren't like that and they're very welcome migrants here.

  8. i love British people! love there accents love what they offer in terms of opinions, sports and music... they're great!

    and yes, after all we did descend from you guys!

  9. Most Australians in Australia seem blissfully unaware that they, in fact, are the whingers. Ever heard an Aussie say anything nice about Britain when they're over here? Thought not. Every sentence they spout begins with 'Inostraya...' or 'Bickhoime...' before making some insulting remark and an unfavourable comparison with the wonderful deity-like utopia that is...back hoime!

  10. officially that they are whingey whiney annoying scumbags but aussies generally get along well with poms. Simmilar sense of humour etc

  11. whingeing poms


  12. I've got time for British people. We have similar interests especially sports, and a similar sense of humour.

    Don't come here expecting everyone to be white. Remember this is the Asia-Pacific region, not Europe. Totally different region.

  13. The British bring a bit of Britain with them when they first arrive in Oz, but that is quite normal and we understand that, they also seem to blend in quite well over a period of time, and don't form ethnic enclaves as some immigrants do, I would think the English language has a lot to do with that! However, they are welcome here anytime, and good luck to them for having the forethought to leaving a rapidly changing country heading into an Islamic state!

  14. the majority of people in my office are britsh. they whinge a lot...but I don't have a problem with them.

    Yes, a lot of british covicts were sent to New Holland (old name of Australia) as punishment.  I have done my family tree back to the convict days and my ancestors were convicts.

    It's nothing to be ashamed of, my relative's crime was petty anyway.

  15. I don't like them, mainly because the accent annoys me (stupid I know) as people there all right. As for being descendants of thieves well how do you think australia was set up? Yes I am a descendant of a thief but at least I have an interesting story to tell about my ancestory - And I'm not actually a descendant of the british - I'm a descendant of the scottish - thank god

  16. Our views of everyone are pretty much the same - we're open to almmost everyone, and will be mates with people of any nationality until they start to annoy us!! :P

    And yes, quite a few Australians are descendants of convicts, although these days its more of a  thing to be proud of than ashamed - everyone wants convict ancestors, just for that little piece of history in their family!!

  17. No  general opinion.  It depends on the individual.

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