
What are average speed cameras and how do they work?

by  |  earlier

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On the motorway or on some dual-carriageways there are average speed cameras, how do they work??




  1. Record when you go past one, then check when you past the next, and work out the average speed between the 2.

    Stops you doing 70 past 1, then 100 between, and 70 past the second.

  2. They take your average speed. If there are four cameras, for instance and you go through the first one at 80mph,2nd at 60mph,3rd 60mph and fourth 60mph, you add them together and divide them by four, which will give you an average speed of  65mph. If you were in a 50mph zone you will receive a ticket as the cameras don't take a picture but record your numberplate.Hope this helps

  3. They are cameras which cover a given stretch of road. The capture the registration details of every car entering the stretch and again on leaving. As the distance between the two cameras is fixed your average speed over the distance can be worked out using the formula speed = distance/time. If you are found to have broken the posted limit you are automatically sent the fine and three points

  4. special cameras to catch out average drivers

    to avoid a ticket you MUST drive past them either exceedingly fast or tediously slow

    hope this helps

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