
What are basic ideas of Leo Strauss?

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What are basic ideas of Leo Strauss?




  1. Lego My Eggo

  2. Iraq is not what you are trying to teach to this anthrology class.

    I agree.

  3. Leo Strauss was a Neo-conservative philosopher, who escaped n**i-Germany in 1937, and arrived at the University of Chicago/USA...

    He was known for his Political Philosophies, based on the ancient Greeks, specifically Aristotle, who believed that "Man", is a political animal...

    That being said, a person or country, can use politics to justify any behavior, including the takeover of Iraq, even if there was only a small possibility of a later threat. This is why North Korea and Iran, were also identified as rogue nations, in case the USA would later decide to invade those countries, it would be because they were already classified as potential threats...

  4. According to Strauss, modern social science was flawed.  It claimed the ground by which truth could be discovered on an unexamined acceptance of the fact-value distinction. Strauss doubted the fact-value distinction was a fundamental category of the mind and studied the evolution of the concept from its roots in Enlightenment philosophy to Max Weber, a thinker Strauss credited with a “serious and noble mind.” Weber wanted to separate values from science but, according to Strauss, was really a derivative thinker, deeply influenced by Nietzsche’s relativism.  Strauss treated politics as something that could not be studied from afar.  A political scientist examining politics with a value-free scientific eye, for Strauss, was impossible, not just tragically self-deluded.  Positivism, the heir to the traditions of both Auguste Comte and Max Weber, in making purportedly value-free judgments, failed the ultimate test of justifying its own existence, which would require a value judgment.

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