
What are basic senior citizen landlord rights when renting out a bedroom and the occupant refuses to leave?

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Need Help! ASAP! Renter who is not paying will not leave; police wont get involved; Landlords are senior citizens who are private homeowners living on residence...How could this be resolved without court?




  1. go to a office supply store and get a pay or quit notice if that doesn't work go back and get a 30 day notice to leave but the quickest and really the only legal way is get started with the legal steps eviction that is the only sure solution

  2. YOU did not volunteer your role in this.

    YOU must have an equitable role to complain.

    IF this is your home.....that you own with one or more others...

    and someone does not pay, you may do nothing without

    court.  Going to small claims court is 100% different from

    criminal court. It is automatic.  IT is simple.

    YOU give the non paying tenant a notice 3-5 days to pay or quit.

    [3-5 depending on your state law.]

    if the tenant ignores you, you go to court to

    get a judgment.  If the non paying tenant does not show up

    [you need no attorney], you get an automatic judgment.

    If the individual does not leave within 15 more days [or 10,

    depending on your state], you go back to court to

    get a unlawful detainer judgment which you hand carry to the

    sheriff's office.   YOU pay their service fee and go home.

    IN 1-3 days, the sheriff will come out and you will let them

    into the non-payer's room.

    From that point, step back and let the sheriff do what he

    is obligated to do by law.

    Sorry about your problem.

  3. I take it you do not have a lease because the Police would have taken care of this.  With out a lease you will need to change the locks once the person leaves and if the come in after this call the Police for Breaking and Entering.  You should be able to do this now with out a lease or changing the locks.  

    As for being seniors, sorry you do not get any special rules.

  4. You cannot legally resolve it without going through the courts.

    You need to follow your state's landlord/tenant laws regarding evicting a non-paying tenant.

    Each state's process differs. You can usually get a Notice to Pay or Quit form from the local courthouse.

    If the tenant does not pay or vacate within the time allowed per the notice, you then file for an eviction.

    The police WILL NOT get involved in landlord/tenant disputes. The police handle criminal matters - not civil matters.

  5. I would highly refer gettin a ppl membership so they can write a letter on your behalf and you might can get better results

  6. There is no way for it to be resolved w/o court. Call the cops he will be arrested and charged of the due amount of renting. Court will most likely be involved.

  7. You need to serve a 3 day pay or quit once the 3 days are up start the eviction process.  If the person isn't willing to leave on thier own then your going to have to get the courts & sheriff involved.

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