
What are benefits of taking garlics?

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What are benefits of taking garlics?




  1. Probably the best form of garlic to take is odourless garlic oil capsules.

    Garlic is a natural antibiotic and will boost your immune system.

    It is also very good for people with sinus problems and even helps your digestive system as well.

    Garlic also helps to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

  2. Garlic has value as a diaphoretic,diuretic and expectorant and along with onion is much used to treat chills and colds.

  3. just wanted to weigh in and mention that only fresh garlic has the health benefits.  the only garlic supplement that tested as having somewhat comparable effects was aged kyolic garlic.

    It does have benefits whether raw or cooked.  A good dose is 3 cloves per day at least two of those raw.

    It is called Russian penicillin,  The interesting thing about garlic is that it works on bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungus.  It is better than allopathetic antibiotics in the sense that it kills 100% while antibiotics only kill 99% and thus the remaining 1% become resistant and super-viruses.

    Also the garlic is specific to killing only the bad bacteria and not the good.  Antibiotics kill the healthy bacteria in the gut and thus people get diarrhea and also by killing all the bacteria in the v****a, it allows the yeast to grow more and thus females taking antibiotics often get yeast infections or infants might get thrush.

    It is a fabulous immune booster and the combination of cayenne and raw garlic will reverse plague on the arteries thus lowering blood pressure and helping prevent heart attacks and strokes.

    It was a prime ingredient in 4 thieves vinegar during the plague helping save people's lives due to is strong effect on germs, etc.

    Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent. Helps with asthma and arthritis.

    It has some anti-oxident effect.  It is supposed to help the cholesterol and also helps the cardiovascular system.

    It helps prevent stomach cancer.  The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York has found that garlic inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. And in a study of colon cancer conducted at the M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Dr. Michael Wargovich determined that diallyl sulfide, a major component of garlic, reduced the growth of colon cancer in mice. A related experiment showed that diallyl sulfide may prevent cancer of the esophagus and help in preventing prostate cancer in some individuals.

  4. thins the blood and is good for gas

  5. everyone is right with their responses. I will also throw in that if you eat garlic in the morning the mosquitos wont bug you at night. This I know from personal experience too.

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