
What are best documents to bring to interview for mulitpule entry visa?

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My husband and i were going to file for a multipule entry visa in june [for him] but since we have to get everything ready first i was wondering what are the best documents to bring... I am a US citizen and he is a BiH citizen.... We just want to be able to go visit my family every once in a while. [it would be nice]

Please only serious responces from people who have been through this process.




  1. We try to discourage consular officers from depending on documents to make visa decisions, so I hope that he or she won't ask for anything.  Nevertheless, if your husband will be more comfortable, he could carry proof of property ownership and employment.  The big question, though,  will have to do with immigrant intent, which will have to do with you, the American spouse, so evidence that you yourself have good reason to return to the country where you are now living might also be useful:  proof of your legal residency, professional information, that sort of thing.  Good luck.

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