
What are better qualifications: Harvard Law Degree, Magna Um Laude v Journalism Degree Beauty Contest Winner?

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For getting Pregnant and having 5 children.




  1. I will take the journalism degree, thank you.  Obama with his Harvard degree, with his chant about change, would not allow himself to choose Hillary as his vp.  Instead, he chose the man that received 9000 votes during the primaries, and is the definition of "old Washington politics".   ***

  2. I will go with the American with the Journalism degree.

  3. Better qualifications for getting my vote? Beauty Contest Winner, Sarah Palin! She is one hot MILF! I'm going from 3rd party to McCain. You can take your Harvard law degree.  

  4. It's time to restore America to the Republic it once was.  When we stopped having faith in our neighbors and instead vested it in the hands of faraway elites who think they know what is best for us, we began the long slippery decline to empire and eventual ruin.

    Read Hayak.  He will tell you that a nation is too complicated to be run by a handful of "experts".  Nobody can possibly know enough.  When I hear that Obama has plans for my life I know I'm hearing the words of an arrogant and ignorant man.  More dangerous is the unquestioning almost fanatical support he enjoys.  

    Sarah Palin reminds me of the girls I grew up with.  Tough, spirited, but down to earth.  One of us.  Everybody has a life story, winning a beauty contest is just part of hers.

    Who has better qualifications.  One of us, or one of them.  I'm going with one of us.

  5. Obama, president of the harvard law review- top of his class or milf who became vp because of affirmative action

  6. Good ?

  7. You've got to love affirmative action.


  8. Are we comparing apples with grapes again.

  9. You mean a governor vs an absentee junior senator?

    I want to see her take him on the court!

  10. She only won Miss Wasilla, in the Miss Alaska she was just the runner up.

    There are also some suspicions that the last baby might not be hers and is her 16 year old daughter's child instead.

    It is also a fact that she lied about opposing the Bridge to Nowhere during her acceptance speech.

    Choosing her as VP means the Republicans are now running the Campaign to Nowhere.

  11. I take the former.

  12. A State Governor, as apposed to a man that voted present in his 143 day's in senate, and attached his name to other peoples bills, Someday he is going to have to earn his paycheck!!!

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