
What are better snowboard companies burton OR rome?

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What are better snowboard companies burton OR rome?




  1. BURTON... hands down!!!

  2. This is not really a good question. There are many snowboard companies out there, that offer an array of quality and board types. Rome is very free-style oriented, though they have all-mountain and free ride  boards. Rome offers great quality at lower prices than Burton, and also bring a certain style and attitude to the table. It is no coincidence than in less than decade they have become one of the top names in snowboarding. Burton of course has been at it for years and was at the forefront of snowboard manufacture for years. Of course they offer many great products, but as someone else mentioned, a lot of their good boards are really expensive. Forum is a sub-brand of Burton.

    Libtech is a great company that is extremely innovative and always trying new technologies, some of which have been very successful, and are being used by other companies.

    K2, Ride (part of K2) and Arbor, are some other top names. A lot is just preference of riding style, budget etc. But also it varies from board to board even within a company, I have a Burton board and boots, as well as a Rome board and Rome bindings.

  3. Lib Technologies or Neversummer for great boards.

  4. Its personal preference. I personally love Burton but most of  my friends dont. They like Ride, Forum or Rome.

    I think you get what fits your riding style at what price you can afford and forget about the cool looking name or top-sheet graphics. What it really boils down to is its "90% riding ability and 10% board. All the co. will feed you some new technology B.S. that most of us dont want to pay for and it hardly affects(if at all) your riding ability.

    You just got to get out there and ride. Make sure you have the right board for your style and body weight.

  5. ROME for sure

    with burton to get a good board you have to spend at leaast 600, rome boards have good flex and are extremely stable .. people think burtons are better just because they have a whole lot more publicity than rome .. ask any decent rider and they will tell you rome is much better.

  6. Burton is  the leading snowboarding company to date. Forum and K2 are also good brands if you are looking to purchase  board/bindings/boots. I managed to find a good deal on ebay for each item. (K2 Board - Burton boots and bindings)

  7. Im going to start out by saying my personal preference- Rome. When it gets down to things I can tell you quite a lot. I am not a fan of burton bindings as their ratchets are plastic and often have problems with freezing in snow and cold weather. They do offer the capstrap system which is patented to burton however many companies such as K2, Rome and Drake have come out with toestraps taht can be used in a Cap fashion or in a more traditional toe strap fashion. If you are looking for a park board I would reccommend looking into Rome boards. If you are looking fora  very good Rome Board I would reccommend the Artifact or the Agent. Both very good boards. As far as bindings go the 390 is a very good binding option as well as the Targa. Though the rome bindings are a bit heavier they are more robust and will stand up to more they also have better quality ratchets. Burton boards are often overpriced and I find too stiff for my liking. If you are looking for a board for speed go with one of the higher priced burton boards such as the T6. If you are looking to rip up rails go with a rome board. Another thing on burton bindings is that burton uses a polycarbonate baseplate, Advantages= light, problems= heavier riders can often shatter them on hard landings. BUT you do get a full lifetime warranty on Burtons Polycarbonate baseplates. Im not fully positive but I beleive that Rome uses a kevlar-composite polycarbonate baseplate that is stronger and generally better similar to what K2 uses. I myself am using Rome Madison (womens) bindings right now and absolutely love them. Both companies have their strengths, but if you ask me Rome is a much more respectable brand that is more true to snowboarding than Burton who has sold out quite a bit in the past 10 years.  Good luck!

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