
What are big bags under your eyes caused by?

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I have huge ones and I slept enough(I think) but I am stressed,could that be why? They look awful! What do I do?




  1. Lack of sleep, stress, cold or flu.  All can cause the bags under the eyes.  Hope whatever is stressing you is something that you can fix.  Have a nice day and hope your feeling better soon.

  2. If you sleep on your back with your head raised high by two of three pillows (so that your head tilts slightly upwards) this stops you from getting them. :) x

  3. not sleeping well or long enough , not  taking off eyeliner or mascara off before going to sleep and lack of nutrition

  4. stress and lack of sleep will do this to you!....just that cucumber thing girls do!....

  5. Dark circles and bags are often caused by congestion. A humidifier can help. You may also be snoring during the night without knowing it. Many people who snore wake up the next day with bags and dark circles and do  not remember that they have snored themselves awake many times during the night.

    The fact that you are also stressed makes me think you may be a snorer and your bosy is actually not getting enough restful sleep, causing you stress.

  6. Most of it is genetic. I have them to. Just get lots of sleep, and try not be stressed to much. I also have heard that when you cry a lot under eye circles appear darker. Not sure if it's true tho. Also drink plenty of water. Getting a bit of color in your face as well as putting cold spoons under eyes may help. Get ShiSeido Benefiance Revitalizing Cream. I got mine from Macy's and just a tiny dab of it does wonders on dark circles.

    vitamin E oil,olive oil,cucumbers, & a doctor can also help. I have pretty bad ones so this is all from experience.

    Hope this helps. :)

  7. infection, stress, sleep lack or maybe it's natural to your body structure. i have an instructor which has real huge eye bags even though she sleeps well.. maybe it's also caused by blood clotting..

    **Hot packing

    Formula I

    Heat some olive oil and apply some under your lower eyelid using cotton sticks. Keep the sticks there for a minute and then pat the lower eyelid to help your face absorb the olive oil. A little massage will also help.

    Formula II

    Get a glass of hot water and add some salt to the water. The amount of salt required may vary depending on different people. Readers may try several times to find the best dosage. Just remember not to use exceedingly salty water the first few times.

    Cut make-up cotton pads into the shape of eye masks and soak the masks in the salty water. Then wear the masks and keep them on for five to ten minutes.

    **Cold packing

    Formula I

    Freeze two iron spoons in the refrigerator and take them out ten minutes later. Press the spoons onto the eye bags.

    Formula II

    First prepare your eyes by applying some olive oil to them, then lay cooled used chamomile or green tea bags on the eye bags. It will take five to ten minutes for the tea bags to effect.

    Formula III

    Get around half a basin (1/4 meters in diameter) of water and add a drop of rosemary oil extract a one drop of rose extract to the water. Soak a towel in the water and then dry the towel and lay it on your eyes. Keep the towel there for 15 minutes.

  8. They are caused by anxiety.  Your body thinks you are going shopping so it creates bags for you to put your stuff in.  When you don't go the body doesn't know what to do so the bags stay around for awhile.

  9. Under Eye bags are result of impurtities present in the body. The body cleanses these impurities in its monthly cycle and rejuvenate itself. After 40 years of age , the body's natural ability to detoxify becomes gets weaken. Bags under the eyes are often due to digestive impurities, caused by a sluggish digestion. The body organ responsible for cleansing the impurities from the body is the liver.

    Lifestyle and Diet Tips

        * Avoid stress and get yourself relaxed, especially when you are in menstrual discomfort.

        * Drink a lot of water. Warm water is preferred.

        * Avoid ice cold drinks.

        * Avoid carbonated drinks.

        * Avoid alcohol and caffeine (stimulants).

        * Add friuts like raisins, coconuts,papaya and sweet juicy fruits to your diet.

        * Take less amount of sugar.

        * Avoid fried foods.

        * Avoid drinking fluids before bed.

        * Use natural beauty products

        * Stop smoking.

        * Take plenty of good sleep.

        * Give your eyes a warm massage with a washcloth, dipped in warm water, over your eyes for 5 minutes .

        * Always Smile.

    Food to Avoid

        * Avoid frozen and/or cold food.

        * Avoid greasy foods.

        * Avoid foods that containing synthetic sweetener and neurotoxin.

        * Avoid MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate

        * Avoid food grown using pesticides

        * Avoid genetically modified food

        * Avoid sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, chocolate and other foods containing similar concentrated sweeteners

        * Avoid baking powder in your food item.

        * Avoid dry bovine milk cheese

        * Avoid Junk foods like burgers, nachos etc

        * Avoid smoked and grilled barbequed food

    Preferred Food Items

        * Use unrefined sea salt

        * Use vegetable Juices

        * Use mono saturated Fats.

        * Use ghee for cooking

        * Use raw honey

        * Take food rich in calcium, iron, minerals.

        * Use organic foods

        * Take whole grains, nuts and seeds.

        * Take fresh fruits


    Eye bags have different causes. Lack of sleep and eating too much salty foods. You can reduce your eye bags by sleeping enough time and applying different treatments that are effective for you. Sliced of cucumber for your eyes while lying in your bed. A bag of tea or pouch to tap in your eyes. Use cold spoon to reduce the size down.


    Apply creams for eye bag and see which one will work for you.


    Sleep good and eat healthy foods.


    Try other remedies like cucumber and bag of tea.


    What causes your puffy eyes?

    There are several causes for under eye bags, puffiness, or dark circles. Some of these are: heredity, water retention, toxin build up, a change in weather, hormones, allergic reactions, as well as health issues or complications from medications.

    Having allergies may cause you to wake with puffy eyes from time to time. Sleeping with your head elevated slightly can sometimes help alleviate this by helping the sinus cavities to drain. Preventing the allergic reaction by avoiding your known allergens will help you to avoid an occurrence of puffy eyes. You may also want to take an over the counter medicine like Benadryl to help avoid the allergens that cause your reaction.

    How can you prevent puffy eyes?

    One of the steps you can do to prevent your under eye puffiness, bags, and dark circles is to have a healthy well balanced diet and stay well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help your body flush itself of any toxins as well as reduce the chance of water retention. Limiting your caffeine intake can also help reduce water retention. Sodium is also a big culprit in helping the body retain excess water and to reduce the bags under your eyes you may want to drastically reduce the salt in your diet.

    Are there natural cures & treatments?

    There are many natural remedies that have been used over the years to help aid in the reduction of puffy eyes. Cucumbers are really good at helping to reduce puffiness under your eyes. Lavender is also a nice soothing topical treatment when applied to the eye area in a floral water mixture and reduces swelling to the eye area. Chamomile or other tea bags also work to reduce swelling under the eyes. Choose the treatment best suited to help get rid of your puffy eyes. Once you have completed that treatment you can apply makeup to help hide any remaining puffiness.

    Over the counter quick fixes

    When turning to over the counter treatments you will notice that many of them utilize natural ingredients as well. Many people notice that gel ointments work better and more quickly then creams, but keep in mind that everyone is different and your results may vary. Be sure to buy products that clearly state they are for puffy eyes.

    Possible Medical Causes of Puffy Eyes

    There are also many serious health concerns that can cause puffiness or dark circles under or around the eyes. A few examples of these conditions are a thyroid condition, and diabetes. If you have chronic puffiness, dark circles, or bags under your eyes you should consult a physician to determine if the bags are a symptom of a more serious health concern.

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